Develop Apps with Azure SQL Database for Free | Data Exposed
with Anna Hoffman, Drew Skwiers-Koballa
You know Azure SQL Database has the features you need to make you app awesome and you need flexibility and freedom when developing or testing changes to your app. A new option for developing with Azure SQL Database is the Azure SQL Database emulator, a container-based development experience where you can develop for free from desktop tools you know like VS Code or Azure Data Studio. If you're interested in a local development option for Azure SQL Database or a development process that ties nicely into CI/CD pipelines, then you should check out the Azure SQL Database emulator in this episode of Data Exposed with Anna Hoffman and Drew Skwiers-Koballa.
- Drew Skwiers-Koballa | Twitter: @sysadmindrew
You know Azure SQL Database has the features you need to make you app awesome and you need flexibility and freedom when developing or testing changes to your app. A new option for developing with Azure SQL Database is the Azure SQL Database emulator, a container-based development experience where you can develop for free from desktop tools you know like VS Code or Azure Data Studio. If you're interested in a local development option for Azure SQL Database or a development process that ties nicely into CI/CD pipelines, then you should check out the Azure SQL Database emulator in this episode of Data Exposed with Anna Hoffman and Drew Skwiers-Koballa.
- Drew Skwiers-Koballa | Twitter: @sysadmindrew
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