
SQL Server Licensing: High Availability / Disaster Recovery Azure VM | Data Exposed

In this video, you will learn how to deploy recommended HADR architectures using SQL Server on Azure Virtual Machines with an optimal TCO using your Software Assurance Benefits.

[00:00] Intro
[00:31] Recap of previous episode
[00:48] Architectures for SQL Server on Azure SQL VMs
[01:24] HA/DR benefits for SQL Server on Azure SQL VMs
[02:10] Architecture using Azure SQL VMs with HA/DR benefits since November 2019
[03:02] Operations allowed on passive replicas
[04:06] Summary

Learn more at https://aka.ms/sqlserver2019licenseguide?WT.mc_id=dataexposed-c9-niner and https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/sql-server/optimize-tco-with-new-sql-server-software-assurance-benefits-for/ba-p/1123731?WT.mc_id=dataexposed-c9-niner.