
DevOps Lab | Hashicorp Series | Episode 2 | How to terraform everything

Welcome to the second episode in our HashiCorp series, Kyle Ruddy is back to show us how we can use terraform to manage both Azure and Github with code. While many people only use it to provision infrastructure, it actually manages all sorts of cool stuff! Check it out.

Jump to:
[00:30] Why should we Terraform everything?
[02:20] Order a Pizza with Terraform
[03:00] Managing GitHub Repositories with Terraform
[06:13] Demo: GitHub Provider for Terraform

Learn more:
GitHub Provider for Terraform
Get Started using Terraform
Get Started using the GitHub Provider for Terraform https://learn.hashicorp.com/tutorials/terraform/github-user-teams?in=terraform/it-saas

Azure DevOps Docs https://aka.ms/AzureDevOps/Docs
Azure DevOps YouTube https://aka.ms/AzureDevOpsYouTube
​Follow April https://twitter.com/TheAprilEdwards
Follow Kyle https://twitter.com/kmruddy