MIDL3 with Larry Osterman
Join Larry for a deep dive in the Microsoft Interface Definition Language (MIDL) 3.0 for declaring Windows Runtime types. How did MIDL start and how did it get to where it is today?
MIDL 3 - https://aka.ms/ifdef-midl-3
C++/WinRT language projection: http://aka.ms/cppwinrt
Follow Larry @osterman
Follow Nikola @metulev
Join Larry for a deep dive in the Microsoft Interface Definition Language (MIDL) 3.0 for declaring Windows Runtime types. How did MIDL start and how did it get to where it is today?
MIDL 3 - https://aka.ms/ifdef-midl-3
C++/WinRT language projection: http://aka.ms/cppwinrt
Follow Larry @osterman
Follow Nikola @metulev
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