Azure IoT Device Agent for Windows
with Olivier Bloch
Customers across industries, whether in an industrial setting or retail environment, are looking for ways to remotely provision and manage their IoT devices. Direct device access may not always be feasible when IoT devices are out in the field or on the factory floor. Microsoft Azure IoT Device Agent enables operators to configure, monitor and manage their devices remotely from their Azure dashboard. In this episode of the #IoTShow you will get an overview of Microsoft Azure IoT Device Agent with a demo.
Get the code: https://github.com/ms-iot/azure-client-tools
Learn more: https://aka.ms/azureiotdeviceagentv2blog
Create a Free Account (Azure): https://aka.ms/aft-iot
Customers across industries, whether in an industrial setting or retail environment, are looking for ways to remotely provision and manage their IoT devices. Direct device access may not always be feasible when IoT devices are out in the field or on the factory floor. Microsoft Azure IoT Device Agent enables operators to configure, monitor and manage their devices remotely from their Azure dashboard. In this episode of the #IoTShow you will get an overview of Microsoft Azure IoT Device Agent with a demo.
Get the code: https://github.com/ms-iot/azure-client-tools
Learn more: https://aka.ms/azureiotdeviceagentv2blog
Create a Free Account (Azure): https://aka.ms/aft-iot
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