Deep Dive into Many-to-Many: A Tour of EF Core 5.0 pt. 2
On the surface many-to-many in EF6 and EF Core look very similar. However, under the covers the design in EF Core 5.0 is much more flexible and powerful
In this episode, Arthur Vickers returns to chat some more with Jeremy about some of the new features in Entity Framework Core 5. In particular, they’ll be diving deep into the building blocks of many-to-many. You’ll see how they can be configured to allow flexible mapping and access to the underlying join table.
- [01:46] - Reviewing the debug views for many-to-many
- [08:00] - Under the covers of the change tracker
- [10:38] - Configuring shared-type entities
- [12:30] - Explicit many-to-many configuration
Useful Links
- What's New in EF Core 5.0
- Persist and retrieve relational data with Entity Framework Core
- Announcing the Release of EF Core 5.0
On the surface many-to-many in EF6 and EF Core look very similar. However, under the covers the design in EF Core 5.0 is much more flexible and powerful
In this episode, Arthur Vickers returns to chat some more with Jeremy about some of the new features in Entity Framework Core 5. In particular, they’ll be diving deep into the building blocks of many-to-many. You’ll see how they can be configured to allow flexible mapping and access to the underlying join table.
- [01:46] - Reviewing the debug views for many-to-many
- [08:00] - Under the covers of the change tracker
- [10:38] - Configuring shared-type entities
- [12:30] - Explicit many-to-many configuration
Useful Links
- What's New in EF Core 5.0
- Persist and retrieve relational data with Entity Framework Core
- Announcing the Release of EF Core 5.0
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