
.NET Conf 2019 Teaser

.NET Conf is a FREE, 3 day virtual developer event co-organized by the .NET community and Microsoft. This year .NET Core 3.0 will launch at .NET Conf 2019! Come celebrate and learn about the new release!

Learn more at => https://www.dotnetconf.net/

Organize a local event

Every year, .NET Conf partners with organizers around the globe to host local, in-person events. These events run between September 23rd through October 31st. Feel free to join in on an event with other developers in a city near you! You also have the opportunity to host your own local event as well! Take a look at the "Event-in-a-box" on GitHub for more information. If you're interested in hosting an event, please fill out this survey. Learn more at https://www.dotnetconf.net/local-events.