
Reducing Bugs In Your Code with Coverlet

Code coverage is a measurement of how much of your source code is tested by your given test suite.

In this episode, Toni Solarin-Sodara joins us to talk about his code coverage library, Coverlet. This gives us the ability to measure code coverage for .NET Core applications in a cross platform way.

  • [01:39] - What is code coverage?
  • [02:59] - To what level of detail do code coverage tools measure your code?
  • [04:05] - What percentage of code coverage should projects strive for?
  • [07:00] - How do you get setup with Coverlet?
  • [11:25] - Contributions from Microsoft and the community
  • [13:33] - Inspecting the results
  • [15:07] - Excluding assemblies
  • [15:54] - Testimonials
  • [17:05] - Microsoft's African Development Center
  • [21:06] - .NET Core global tool for Coverlet
  • [26:08] - Where to find the project?


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