
What is a Container registry and Azure Container Service

Container registries are repositories for storing container images, but who should use them? Which one should we choose and why are they important for cloud native applications? Steve Lasker sits with us in Building 99 today and talks about registries and more specifically Azure Container Registry and the practices around using them for your applications.

[03:50] - How do I choose the registry to use?
[06:15] - Additional benefits to registries beyond to being close to my deployment?
[08:10] - How do you think about life cycle management, from the point of development to long term patching support? I've seen acr build, and tasks, but what's the magic here?
[11:00] - Security patching, does that happen automatically with ACR?
[14:00] - Steve breaks down the trigger of an automated build by ACR
[18:25] - What's coming next?


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Azure Container Registry https://aka.ms/cldntvshw/acr

Azure Container Registry