Media Quality Diagnostic Reports in Skype for Business Server
Summary: Learn about the Media Quality Diagnostic Reports in Skype for Business Server.
The Media Quality Diagnostic Reports provide information about call quality, and diagnostic and troubleshooting information for failed calls.
In this section
Media Quality Summary Report in Skype for Business Server Provides overall quality data for different endpoint types, including Enterprise Voice peer-to-peer calls, Enterprise Voice conference calls, and calls that rely, at least in part, on the public switched telephone network (PSTN).
Media Quality Comparison Report in Skype for Business Server Provides a comparison of call quality values for different types of audio calls (for example, calls made over a wireless network vs. calls made across a wired connection).
Server Performance Report in Skype for Business Server Lists the servers that have experienced the most problems, based on measurements of such key quality metrics as degradation, packet loss, and jitter.
Location Report in Skype for Business Server Provides a list of network locations and a summary of the media quality of the calls that occur at each location. For purposes of this report, locations are based on IP subnets.
Device Report in Skype for Business Server Provides a summary of devices that are used for Enterprise Voice calls and it includes the average media quality of the calls by device.
Call List Report in Skype for Business Server Provides detailed information about phone calls made or received within your organization.
Call Detail Report in Skype for Business Server Provides detailed information about phone calls made from or received within your organization.
Server Media Quality Trend Report in Skype for Business Server Provides a way for you to graphically compare up to five servers on Quality of Experience metrics such as call volume, poor call percentage, packet loss, and jitter.
The Media Quality Metrics Distribution Report in Skype for Business Server Provides a graph that shows the distribution values for a Quality of Experience metric such as jitter or packet loss.
Location Trend Report in Skype for Business Server Provides call quality trend information for network locations.