Write information to the Application log

You can include a Script Task in the Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) package to run a task. For example, the task may write a collection of variable information to the Windows Application log. You can create an SSIS package that contains a Data Flow task. This Data Flow task includes a Row Count transformation. You can use a Script Task to write the data that was populated by the Row Count transformation to the Windows Application log.

This article describes how to use a Script Task to write information to the Windows Application log.

Original product version:   SQL Server
Original KB number:   906560


This example assumes that you created the following elements in the SSIS package:

  • A Data Flow task.
  • A Script Task.
  • A connector from the Data Flow task to the Script Task.
  • In the Data Flow task, you created a Row Count transformation in the data flow.

When you run the package, the Row Count transformation returns the row count data that you want to write to the Windows Application log.

Configure the Script Task

To configure the Script Task code sample, follow these steps in the SSIS designer:

  1. While the Control Flow tab is active, right-click the design surface, and then select Variables. The Variables window appears in the left pane.

  2. In the Variables window, select Add variable, and then provide the variable name as mycount. By default, the data type of the new mycount variable is Int32.


    References to variable names are case-sensitive.

  3. Double-click the Data Flow Task. The active window switches to the Data Flow tab.

  4. Use the properties of the Row Count transformation to set the value of the VariableName property to mycount.

  5. Select the Control Flow tab, and then double-click the Script Task. The Script Task Editor dialog box appears.

  6. In the left pane, select the Script item, and then change the value of the ReadOnlyVariables property to the following value:



    The PackageName, StartTime, and ExecutionInstanceGUID items are system variables. These system variables are used to write the package information to the Windows Application log.

  7. In the Script Task Editor dialog box, select Edit Script.

  8. When a new Microsoft Visual Studio for Applications (VSTA) window appears, follow these steps:

    1. Make sure that the following namespaces are included in your code before any other declarations.

      Imports System 
      Imports System.Data
      Imports System.Math
      Imports System.Diagnostics
      Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime
    2. Replace the following code sample with the code in the Main() method.

      Dim varMyCount As Variable = Dts.Variables("mycount") '
      Dim varPackageName As Variable = Dts.Variables("PackageName")
      Dim varStartTime As Variable = Dts.Variables("StartTime")
      Dim varInstanceID As Variable = Dts.Variables("ExecutionInstanceGUID")
      Dim PackageDuration As Long
      ' Event log needs
      Dim sSource As String
      Dim sLog As String
      Dim sEventMessage As String
      Dim sMachine As String
      PackageDuration = DateDiff("s", varStartTime.Value, Now())
      sSource = "RowCountReporting from SSIS"
      ' We need the message posted to the Application event log.
      sLog = "Application"
      sEventMessage = "Rows Processed: " & Chr(10) _
      & " case Rows:" + varMyCount.Value().ToString + Chr(10) _
      & "=============================================" & Chr(10) _
      & "The Package: " + varPackageName.Value().ToString _
      & Chr(10) _
      & "Started: " & varStartTime.Value().ToString _
      & Chr(10) _
      & "Current Time:" & System.DateTime.Now _
      & Chr(10) _
      & "=============================================" _
      & Chr(10) _
      & "Package Run Duration in seconds: " & PackageDuration _
      & Chr(10) _
      & "Execution GUID: " & varInstanceID.Value().ToString
      sMachine = "."
      If Not EventLog.SourceExists(sSource, sMachine) Then
      EventLog.CreateEventSource(sSource, slog)
      End If
      Dim ELog As New EventLog(sLog, sMachine, sSource)
      Dim category As Short = 2
      ' ELog.WriteEntry("Write from third source", 4, 777, 2)
      ELog.WriteEntry(sEventMessage, EventLogEntryType.Information, 777, category)
      Dts.TaskResult = ScriptResults.Success

    After the package runs successfully, the following entry appears in the Windows Application log.

       Log Name: Application
       Source: RowCountReporting from SSIS
       Date: 12/20/2022 11:21:38 AM
       Event ID: 777
       Task Category: (2)
       Level: Information
       Keywords: Classic
       User: N/A
       Computer: <hostname>
       Rows Processed:
       case Rows:0
       The Package: Package
       Started: 12/20/2022 11:21:37 AM
       Current Time:12/20/2022 11:21:38 AM
       Package Run Duration in seconds: 1
       Execution GUID: {9DF22831-E608-47F7-BD62-F9BD3C2F9C77}
       Event Xml:
       <Event xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event">
       <Provider Name="RowCountReporting from SSIS" />
       <EventID Qualifiers="0">777</EventID>
       <TimeCreated SystemTime="2022-12-20T17:21:38.5070621Z" />
       <Correlation />
       <Execution ProcessID="41588" ThreadID="0" />
       <Security />
       <Data>Rows Processed:
       case Rows:0
       The Package: Package
       Started: 12/20/2022 11:21:37 AM
       Current Time:12/20/2022 11:21:38 AM
       Package Run Duration in seconds: 1
       Execution GUID: {9DF22831-E608-47F7-BD62-F9BD3C2F9C77}</Data>


EventLog.WriteEntry Method (System.Diagnostics)

Instrument Code to Create EventSource Events