Staging Process Errors (Master Data Services)

Applies to: SQL Server - Windows only Azure SQL Managed Instance

When the staging process is complete, all processed records in the staging tables have a value in the ErrorCode column. These values are listed in the following table.

Code Error Occurs When/Details Applies to Table
210001 The same member code exists multiple times in the staging table. Your staging batch includes the same member code multiple times. Neither member is created or updated. Leaf


210003 The attribute values references a member that does not exist or is inactive. When you stage domain-based attributes, you must use the code, rather than the name. Applies to ImportType0, 1, and 2. Leaf

210006 The member code is inactive. ImportType = 1 and you specified a member code that doesn't exist. Leaf


210032 The hierarchy name is missing or is not valid. The explicit hierarchy was not found or the HierarchyName value was blank. Consolidated

210035 Because a code generation business rule does not exist, the MemberCode is required. When creating or updating members, a MemberCode is always required, unless you are using automatic code generation. For more information, see Automatic Code Creation (Master Data Services). Leaf

210036 Because a code generation business rule exists, the MemberCode is not required. When creating or updating members, a MemberCode is not required when you are using automatic code generation. However, you can specify a code if you choose. For more information, see Automatic Code Creation (Master Data Services). Leaf

210041 "ROOT" is not a valid member code. The MemberCode value contains the word "ROOT." Leaf


210042 "MDMUNUSED" is not a valid member code. The MemberCode value contains the word "MDMUNUSED." Leaf


210052 The MemberCode cannot be deactivated because it is used as a domain-based attribute value. When ImportType = 3 or 4, staging fails if the member is used as an attribute value for other members. Either use ImportType5 or 6 to set the value to NULL, or change the values before running the staging process. Leaf

300002 The member code is not valid. Relationships: Either the parent or child member code does not exist.

Leaf or Consolidated: ImportType = 3 or 4 and the member code does not exist.


300004 The member code already exists. ImportType = 1 and you used a member code that already exists in the entity. Leaf

210011 When RelationshipType is 1, the ParentCode cannot be a leaf member. Ensure that the ParentCode value is a consolidated member code. Relationship
210015 The member code exists multiple times in the staging table for a hierarchy and a batch. For an explicit hierarchy, you specified the location of the same member multiple times in the same batch. Relationship
210016 The relationship could not be created because it would cause a circular reference. This occurs when you try to assign a child as a parent. Relationship
210046 The member cannot be a sibling of Root. This occurs when RelationshipType = 2 (sibling) and either the ParentCode or ChildCode is Root. Members cannot be at the same level as the Root node; they can only be children. Relationship
210047 The member cannot be a sibling of Unused. This occurs when RelationshipType = 2 (sibling) and either the ParentCode or ChildCode is Unused. Members can only be children of the Unused node. Relationship
210048 ParentCode and ChildCode cannot be the same. The ParentCode value is the same as the ChildCode value. These values must be different. Relationship

See Also

View Errors that Occur During Staging (Master Data Services)
Overview: Importing Data from Tables (Master Data Services)