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sys.pdw_nodes_column_store_segments (Transact-SQL)

Applies to: Azure Synapse Analytics Analytics Platform System (PDW)

Contains a row for each column in a columnstore index.

Column name Data type Description
partition_id bigint Indicates the partition ID. Is unique within a database.
hobt_id bigint ID of the heap or B-tree index (hobt) for the table that has this columnstore index.
column_id int ID of the columnstore column.
segment_id int ID of the column segment. For backward compatibility, the column name continues to be called segment_id even though this is the rowgroup ID. You can uniquely identify a segment using <hobt_id, partition_id, column_id>, <segment_id>.
version int Version of the column segment format.
encoding_type int Type of encoding used for that segment:

1 = VALUE_BASED - non-string/binary with no dictionary (similar to 4 with some internal variations)

2 = VALUE_HASH_BASED - non-string/binary column with common values in dictionary

3 = STRING_HASH_BASED - string/binary column with common values in dictionary

4 = STORE_BY_VALUE_BASED - non-string/binary with no dictionary

5 = STRING_STORE_BY_VALUE_BASED - string/binary with no dictionary

All encodings take advantage of bit-packing and run-length encoding when possible.
row_count int Number of rows in the row group.
has_nulls int 1 if the column segment has null values.
base_id bigint Base value ID if encoding type 1 is being used. If encoding type 1 is not being used, base_id is set to 1.
magnitude float Magnitude if encoding type 1 is being used. If encoding type 1 is not being used, magnitude is set to 1.
primary__dictionary_id int ID of primary dictionary. A non-zero value points to the local dictionary for this column in the current segment (i.e. the rowgroup). A value of -1 indicates that there is no local dictionary for this segment.
secondary_dictionary_id int ID of secondary dictionary. A non-zero value points to the local dictionary for this column in the current segment (i.e. the rowgroup). A value of -1 indicates that there is no local dictionary for this segment.
min_data_id bigint Minimum data ID in the column segment.
max_data_id bigint Maximum data ID in the column segment.
null_value bigint Value used to represent nulls.
on_disk_size bigint Size of segment in bytes.
pdw_node_id int Unique identifier of a Azure Synapse Analytics node.

Examples: Azure Synapse Analytics and Analytics Platform System (PDW)

Join sys.pdw_nodes_column_store_segments with other system tables to determine the number of columnstore segments per logical table.

SELECT  sm.name           as schema_nm
,       tb.name           as table_nm
,       nc.name           as col_nm
,       nc.column_id
,       COUNT(*)          as segment_count
FROM    sys.[schemas] sm
JOIN    sys.[tables] tb                   ON  sm.[schema_id]          = tb.[schema_id]
JOIN    sys.[pdw_table_mappings] mp       ON  tb.[object_id]          = mp.[object_id]
JOIN    sys.[pdw_nodes_tables] nt         ON  nt.[name]               = mp.[physical_name]
JOIN    sys.[pdw_nodes_partitions] np     ON  np.[object_id]          = nt.[object_id]
                                          AND np.[pdw_node_id]        = nt.[pdw_node_id]
                                          AND np.[distribution_id]    = nt.[distribution_id]
JOIN    sys.[pdw_nodes_columns] nc        ON  np.[object_id]          = nc.[object_id]
                                          AND np.[pdw_node_id]        = nc.[pdw_node_id]
                                          AND np.[distribution_id]    = nc.[distribution_id]
JOIN    sys.[pdw_nodes_column_store_segments] rg  ON  rg.[partition_id]         = np.[partition_id]
                                                      AND rg.[pdw_node_id]      = np.[pdw_node_id]
                                                      AND rg.[distribution_id]  = np.[distribution_id]
                                                      AND rg.[column_id]        = nc.[column_id]
GROUP BY    sm.name
,           tb.name
,           nc.name
,           nc.column_id  
ORDER BY    table_nm
,           nc.column_id
,           sm.name ;


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See Also

Azure Synapse Analytics and Parallel Data Warehouse Catalog Views
sys.pdw_nodes_column_store_row_groups (Transact-SQL)
sys.pdw_nodes_column_store_dictionaries (Transact-SQL)