Mapping MySQL and SQL Server Character Set (MySQLToSQL)

Character set (Charset) can be specified for MySQL character data types, expressions and literals.

Charset Mapping

Charset mapping is defined for each MySQL charset and used during character data type conversion. It specifies how to convert character string data types of a particular character set:

  • To national SQL Server character types (NCHAR/NVARCHAR), or

  • To regular SQL Server character types (CHAR/VARCHAR)

  1. national target database character data types are:

    1. nchar

    2. nvarchar

  2. regular target database character data types are:

    1. char

    2. varchar

  3. Type mapping only allows mapping to national character data types. After MySQL character data type is converted according to type mapping, charset mapping is applied.


Charset mapping can be defined on each node level of metadata object explorer and represent all charsets read from MySQL.

Charset Mapping on different node levels

Charset Mapping varies at different node levels, namely:

  1. On Root Metadata Node Level

  2. On Database, Category and Object Nodes Level


The tab selected for editing the Charset Mapping, contains three buttons, irrespective of the mapping on the different node levels.

They are:

  1. Apply: Applies changes made by the user, enabled only when charset mapping is edited and not saved yet.
  2. Cancel: Cancels changes made by the user. The button gets enabled when charset mapping is edited but not saved.
  3. Reset to Default: Resets all mappings to default values.
  1. On Root Metadata Node Level: Charset mapping grid contains charset grid with a separate column for each charset. The columns of the grid are:

    1. The first column of the grid named Charset Name contains charset name.

    2. The second one named Charset Description contains charset description.

    3. The third column titled, Target Charset Type contains mapping settings for particular charset. Values for this column are:




    The default values for a particular charset have the prefix '(default)' after CHAR/VARCHAR or NCHAR/NVARCHAR.

    The Charset mapping between MySQL database and the target database on Root Metadata Node Level is given below:

    Charset Name Charset Description Target Charset Type (Default)
    big5 Big5 Traditional Chinese NCHAR/NVARCHAR (Default)
    dec8 DEC West European CHAR/VARCHAR (Default)
    cp850 DOS West European CHAR/VARCHAR (Default)
    hp8 HP West European CHAR/VARCHAR (Default)
    koi8r KOI8-R Relcom Russian CHAR/VARCHAR (Default)
    latin 1 cp1252 West European CHAR/VARCHAR (Default)
    latin2 ISO 8859-2 Central European CHAR/VARCHAR (Default)
    swe7 7bit Swedish CHAR/VARCHAR (Default)
    ascii US ASCII CHAR/VARCHAR (Default)
    ujis EUC-JP Japanese NCHAR/NVARCHAR (Default)
    sjis Shift-JIS Japanese NCHAR/NVARCHAR (Default)
    hebrew ISO 8859-8 Hebrew CHAR/VARCHAR (Default)
    tis620 TIS620 Thai CHAR/VARCHAR (Default)
    euckr EUC-KR Korean NCHAR/NVARCHAR (Default)
    koi8u KOI8-U Ukrainian CHAR/VARCHAR (Default)
    gb2312 GB2312 Simplified Chinese NCHAR/NVARCHAR (Default)
    greek ISO 8859-7 Greek CHAR/VARCHAR (Default)
    cp 1250 Windows Central European CHAR/VARCHAR (Default)
    gbk GBK Simplified Chinese NCHAR/NVARCHAR (Default)
    latin5 ISO 8859-9 Turkish CHAR/VARCHAR (Default)
    armscii8 ARMSCII-8 Armenian CHAR/VARCHAR (Default)
    utf8 UTF-8 Unicode NCHAR/NVARCHAR (Default)
    ucs2 UCS-2 Unicode NCHAR/NVARCHAR (Default)
    cp866 DOS Russian CHAR/VARCHAR (Default)
    keybcs2 DOS Kamenicky Czech-Slovak CHAR/VARCHAR (Default)
    macce Mac Central European CHAR/VARCHAR (Default)
    macroman Mac West European CHAR/VARCHAR (Default)
    cp852 DOS Central European CHAR/VARCHAR (Default)
    latin7 ISO 8859-13 Baltic CHAR/VARCHAR (Default)
    cp 1251 Windows Cyrillic CHAR/VARCHAR (Default)
    cp 1256 Windows Arabic CHAR/VARCHAR (Default)
    cp 1257 Windows Baltic CHAR/VARCHAR (Default)
    binary Binary pseudo charset CHAR/VARCHAR (Default)
    geostd8 GEOSTD8 Georgian CHAR/VARCHAR (Default)
    cp932 SJIS for Windows Japanese NCHAR/NVARCHAR (Default)
    eucjpms UJIS for Windows Japanese NCHAR/NVARCHAR (Default)
  2. On the Database, Category or Object Node Levels: On the Database, Category or Object Nodes level, charset mapping grid contains the same rows as the one on root metadata node level, viz.:

    1. The first column of the grid titled, Character Set Name contains charset name.

    2. The second column titled, Character Set Description contains charset description.

    3. The only difference is the values in the third column of the grid. The third column titled, Target Data Type contains mapping settings for particular charset. The values for the column are:

      • Inherited (CHAR/VARCHAR or NCHAR/NVARCHAR)




  • In the Charset mapping between MySQL database and target database on Database, Category, and Object Node Levels, the default values for a particular charset on each level other than root for the column Target Data Type should be 'Inherited'.
  • In the grid, the value Inherited is suffixed with either '(CHAR/VARCHAR)' or '(NCHAR/NVARCHAR)' depending on which value was inherited from parent by this particular charset.