Options (SQL Server Object Explorer - Scripting)
Applies to: SQL Server Azure SQL Database Azure SQL Managed Instance Azure Synapse Analytics Analytics Platform System (PDW)
Use this page to set scripting options that apply to the following commands on object context menus in Object Explorer:
Edit commands for user tables and views.
Script <object> as commands for user-created objects.
Modify command for user-created objects.
This page also sets the scripting option defaults for the Generate SQL Server Script Wizard.
The Edit and Modify commands might produce results that are different from the Script <object> as command for the same option setting. The Edit and Modify commands are designed to modify objects in the current database during a Query Editor session. The Script <object> as command is designed to generate a script so that it can be used later to create objects.
Specify scripting options by selecting from the available settings in the list to the right of each option.
The default settings listed only apply to the Script entire database and all database objects option and may vary when using the Select specific database objects option.
General scripting options
Delimit individual statements
Separates individual Transact-SQL statements by using a batch separator. To change the default batch separator for Query Editor, select Tools/Options/Query Execution/SQL Server/General/Batch separator. Default is False. For more information, see GO (Transact-SQL).
Include descriptive headers
Adds descriptive comments to the script by separating the script into sections for each object. Default is True. For more information, see /.../ (Comment) (Transact-SQL).
Include enabling vardecimal compression
Includes the vardecimal storage options. Default is False. For more information, see sp_db_vardecimal_storage_format (Transact-SQL).
Script change tracking
Includes change tracking information in the script.
Script full-text catalogs
Includes a script for full-text catalogs. Default is False. For more information, see CREATE FULLTEXT CATALOG (Transact-SQL).
Script USE <database>
Adds the USE DATABASE statement to the script to create database objects in the context of the current Object Explorer database. When the script is expected for use in a different database, select False to omit. Default is True. For more information, see USE (Transact-SQL).
Object scripting options
Check for object existence Check that an object with the given name exists before dropping or altering or that an object with the given name doesn't exist before creating. For more information, see IF...ELSE (Transact-SQL) and EXISTS (Transact-SQL).
Generate script for dependent objects
Generates a script for other objects that are required when the script for the selected object is executed. Default is False.
Schema qualify object names
Qualifies object names with the object schema. Default is False. For more information, see Create a Database Schema.
Script data compression options Includes data compression options in the script. Default is False.
Script extended properties
Includes extended properties in the script if the object has extended properties. Default is False. For more information, see sp_addextendedproperty (Transact-SQL).
Script owner
Includes the owner in the generated script. Default is False.
Script permissions
Includes permissions on database objects in the script. Default is True. For more information, see Permissions.
Table/View options
The following options apply only to scripts for tables or views.
Convert user-defined data types to base types
Converts user-defined data types to the base types from which they were created. Use True when the source database user-defined data types don't exist in the database where the script is run. Use False to keep the user-defined data types. Default is False. For more information, see CREATE TYPE (Transact-SQL).
Generate SET ANSI PADDING commands
Adds the SET ANSI_PADDING statement before and after each CREATE TABLE statement. Default is True. For more information, see SET ANSI_PADDING (Transact-SQL).
Include collation
Includes collation in column definition. Default is True. For more information, see Collation and Unicode Support.
Include IDENTITY property
Includes definitions for IDENTITY seed and IDENTITY increment. Default is True. For more information, see IDENTITY (Property) (Transact-SQL).
Schema qualify foreign key references
Adds the schema name to table references for FOREIGN KEY constraints. Default is True.
Script bound defaults and rules
Includes the sp_bindefault and sp_bindrule binding stored procedure calls. Default is True. For more information, see sp_bindefault (Transact-SQL) and sp_bindrule (Transact-SQL).
Script CHECK constraints
Adds CHECK constraints to the script. Default is True.
Script defaults
Includes column default values in the script. Default is False. For more information, see CREATE DEFAULT (Transact-SQL).
Script file groups
Specifies the filegroup in the ON clause for table definitions. Default is False. For more information, see CREATE TABLE (Transact-SQL).
Script foreign keys
Includes FOREIGN KEY constraints in the script. Default is False.
Script full-text indexes
Includes full-text indexes in the script. Default is False. For more information, see CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX (Transact-SQL).
Script indexes
Includes clustered, nonclustered, and XML indexes in the script. Default is True. For more information, see CREATE INDEX (Transact-SQL).
Script partition schemes
Includes table partitioning schemes in the script. Default is False. For more information, see CREATE PARTITION SCHEME (Transact-SQL).
Script primary keys
Includes Primary and Foreign Key Constraints in the script. Default is True.
Script statistics
Includes user-defined statistics in the script. Default is False. For more information, see CREATE STATISTICS (Transact-SQL).
Script triggers
Include triggers in the script. Default is False. For more information, see CREATE TRIGGER (Transact-SQL).
Script unique keys
Includes Unique Constraints and Check Constraints in the script. Default is False.
Script view columns
Declares view columns in view headers. Default is False. For more information, see CREATE VIEW (Transact-SQL).
Include dri system names
Includes system generated constraint names to enforce declarative referential integrity. Default is False. For more information, see REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS (Transact-SQL).
Version options
Match script settings to source If enabled the target version, engine edition and engine type of the scripts generated are set to the values of the server the object being scripted. This configuration disables (and ignores) the other version options.
Script for database engine edition Scripts generated are targeted for the specified Engine Edition.
Script for database engine type Scripts generated are targeted for the specified Database Engine Type.
Script for server version
Scripts generated are targeted for the specified version of SQL Server. Features that are new in SQL Server can't be scripted for earlier versions. Some scripts that are created for SQL Server can't be executed on servers that are running on an earlier version of SQL Server, or on a database that has an earlier database compatibility level setting.