Get Attachments

The Get Attachments activity is used in a runbook to retrieve details from the attachments of a list item.

The following tables list the filters, required properties, and Published Data for this activity.

Get Attachments Required Properties

Element Description Valid values
ID The ID of the list item to be searched. Integer
List Name The name of the SharePoint list that contains the item to be queried. String

Get Attachments Filters

Element Description Valid values
Author The name of the user who created the attachment. Equals
Does not equal
Starts with
Created The date and time when the attachment was created. Equals
Does not equal
Is less than or equal to
Is greater than or equal to
Is less than
Is greater than
Modified The date and time when the attachment was last modified. Equals
Does not equal
Is less than or equal to
Is greater than or equal to
Is less than
Is greater than
Name The file name and extension of the attachment. Equals
Does not equal
Starts with
Title The title of the attachment. Equals
Does not equal
Starts with
URL Path The server relative path of the attachment. Equals
Does not equal

Get Attachments Published Data

Element Description Value type
Attachment Count The number of attachments that were retrieved. Integer
Author The name of the user who created the attachment. String
Created The date and time when the attachment was created. Date/Time
ID The ID of the list item that contains the attachments. String
List Name The name of the SharePoint list that contains the items that were retrieved. String
Modified The date and time when the attachment was last modified. Date/Time
Name The file name and extension of the attachment file. String
SharePoint Site The URL of the SharePoint site. String
Title The title of the attachment. String
URL Path The server relative path of the attachment. String