800 XP

Create, customize, and manage an HPC cluster in Azure with Azure CycleCloud

Solution Architect
Azure CycleCloud

Azure CycleCloud is an application that provides a simple, secure, and scalable way to create, customize, and manage high-performance computing (HPC) clusters in Azure.

Learning objectives

By the end of this module, you're able to:

  • Install and configure Azure CycleCloud to work with your Azure subscription.
  • Integrate a non-Microsoft scheduler.
  • Create and deploy a basic HPC cluster on Azure.


  • An Azure subscription
  • Basic familiarity with Azure compute services
  • Basic knowledge of high-performance computing (HPC) concepts

This module is part of these learning paths

Module assessment

Assess your understanding of this module. Sign in and answer all questions correctly to earn a pass designation on your profile.

Take the module assessment