Exercise - Create Azure Object Anchors account to retrieve Object Anchors ID and key


In this module, you will be creating an Azure Object Anchors account, creating an Object Anchors resources to retrieve the Account Domain, Account ID, and Account key that will be needed later in the tutorial series.

Create Azure Object Anchors account

Before you start with creating Azure Object Anchors account you'll need Azure subscription to create a free account before you begin.

To begin, you need to create an account with the Object Anchors service.

  1. Go to the Azure portal and select Create a resource.

    Screenshot of creating a new resource.

  2. Search for Object Anchors resources at Search services and marketplace to find the Object Anchors resources easily.

    Screenshot of searching for Azure Object Anchors.

  3. On the Object Anchors resource in the search results, select Create to create a new Object Anchor resources.

    Screenshot of creating a new Azure Object Anchor resources.

  4. In the Object Anchors Account dialog box:

    • Enter a unique resource name.
    • Select the subscription you want to attach the resource to.
    • Create or use an existing resource group.
    • Select the region you'd like your resource to exist in.

    Screenshot of adding required info to create Azure Object Anchors account.

    Next click on create to begin creating the resource.

Get required resources for your project

Now that you have created the Azure Object Anchors resources you need to retrieve the Account Domain, Account ID and Account key.

  1. Once the resource has been created, select Go to resource.

    Screenshot of Azure Object Anchor resources page.

  2. On the overview page:

    a) Take note of the Account Domain.

    Screenshot of Account domain info.

    b) Take note of the Account ID

    Screenshot of Account I D info.

    c) Go to the Access Keys page and take note of the Primary key.

    Screenshot of Account key info.