Exercise - Implement multitenant data


This exercise takes you through the process of:

  • Installing Azure Database for PostgreSQL in the server deployment model.
  • Creating a database with sample inventory data.
  • Integrating the server with Microsoft Entra ID.
  • Implementing a simple Node.js-based application that queries the database by relying on Microsoft Entra authentication.


This exercise illustrates a simplified approach to providing support for multiple tenants by emulating the multitenancy functionality of the Azure Database for the PostgreSQL Hyperscale deployment model. It also provides a simplified approach for implementing Microsoft Entra authentication in multitenant scenarios by relying on the Microsoft Entra B2B functionality. Microsoft Entra ID directly supports multitenant applications, but their detailed coverage is outside the scope of this module.

In this exercise, you'll:

  • Create an instance of Azure Database for PostgreSQL server.
  • Connect to the Azure Database for PostgreSQL server.
  • Create a database and sample tables.
  • Integrate the Azure Database for PostgreSQL server with Microsoft Entra ID.
  • Register an application with Microsoft Entra ID.
  • Implement a simple, Microsoft Entra integrated Node.js-based application.
  • Validate the functionality of the Node.js-based application.


To perform this exercise, you'll need:

  • An Azure subscription.
  • A Microsoft account or a Microsoft Entra account with the Global Administrator role in the Microsoft Entra tenant associated with the Azure subscription and with the Owner or Contributor role in the Azure subscription.
  • To have completed the first exercise of this module.

Create an instance of Azure Database for PostgreSQL server

You'll start by creating an instance of Azure Database for PostgreSQL server:

  1. If needed, start a web browser, navigate to the Azure portal and sign in to access the Azure subscription you'll be using in this module.

  2. Use the Search resources, services, and docs text box at the beginning of the Azure portal page to search for Azure Database for PostgreSQL, and in the list of results, in the Services section, select Azure Database for PostgreSQL.

  3. On the Azure Database for PostgreSQL servers blade, select + Create.

  4. On the Select Azure Database for PostgreSQL deployment option blade, on the Azure Database for PostgreSQL tile, for Resource type select Single server.

  5. Select Create.

  6. On the Basics tab of the Single server blade, configure the following settings, and then select Review + create, while leaving all other settings with their default values:

    Setting Configuration
    Subscription Select the name of the Azure subscription you'll be using in this module.
    Resource group Create a new resource group named postgresql-db-RG.
    Server name Enter a unique name consisting of lower-case letters, digits or dashes, and starting with a letter.
    Data source Select None.
    Location Select the Azure region closest to the location of your lab environment where you can create Azure Database for PostgreSQL instances.
    Version Select 11.
    Compute + storage Select the Configure server link. On the Configure blade, select Basic, set the vCore value to 1 and Storage to 5 GB, and then select OK.
    Admin username Enter student.
    Password Enter Pa55w0rd1234.

    Screenshot of the Basics tab of the server blade in the Azure portal.

  7. On the Review + create tab of the Single server blade, select Create.

  8. Wait for the provisioning to complete. This might take about five minutes.


    The provisioning process automatically creates a database named postgres within the target server.

Connect to the Azure Database for PostgreSQL server

With the Azure Database for PostgreSQL server provisioned, you'll connect to it by using the psql tool.

  1. In the Microsoft.PostgreSQLServer.createPostgreSqlServer Overview blade, select Go to resource.

  2. On the Deployment blade, in the vertical menu, in the Settings section, select Connection security.

  3. On the Connection security blade, set Allow access to Azure services to Yes, select + Add client IP, set Enforce SSL connection to DISABLED, and then select Save.


    These settings will allow connectivity to the database from your computer and from applications running in Azure.


    Disabling the SSL enforcement is meant to simplify the subsequent exercises. In general, you should keep this setting enabled.

  4. Within the browser window displaying the Azure portal with the Deployment blade, in the vertical menu, select Overview.

  5. In the Essentials section, identify the entries next to the Server name and Admin username labels and record their values.


    Note that the username includes the @ symbol followed by the server name you specified in the previous task.

  6. Within the browser window displaying the Azure portal with the Azure Database for PostgreSQL single server blade, in the vertical menu, in the Settings section, select Connection strings.

  7. In the list of connection strings, copy the value of the psql connection string and record it, so you can use it later in this exercise.


    The connection string has the following syntax, where the <server_name> placeholder represents the name of the server you identified previously in this task:

    psql "host=<server_name>.postgres.database.azure.com port=5432 dbname={your_database} user=student@<server_name> password={your_password} sslmode=require"
  8. In the Azure portal, open a Bash session of the Cloud Shell by selecting its icon in the toolbar next to the search text box.

  9. Within the Bash session on the Cloud Shell pane, paste the value of the psql connection string from the clipboard, modify it so it matches the following command, and run it to connect to the postgres database hosted on the newly deployed server instance of Azure Database for PostgreSQL. The value of the <server_name> placeholder will be already included in the connection string you pasted from the clipboard:

    psql "host=<server_name>.postgres.database.azure.com port=5432 dbname=postgres user=student@<server_name>.postgres.database.azure.com password=Pa55w0rd1234 sslmode=require"


    When you successfully connect, you'll be presented with the postgres=> prompt.

Create a database and sample tables

  1. In the Cloud Shell pane, from the postgres=> prompt, run the following command to create a new database named cnamtinventory:

    CREATE DATABASE cnamtinventory;
  2. Run the following command to switch the connection to the newly created database:

    \c cnamtinventory
  3. Run the following command to create a tenants table:

    CREATE TABLE tenants (
      id bigserial PRIMARY KEY,
      name text NOT NULL,
      created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NOW()::date,
      updated_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NOW()::date
  4. Run the following command to create an inventory table:

    CREATE TABLE inventory (
    id bigserial, 
    tenant_id bigint REFERENCES tenants (id),
    name VARCHAR(50),
    quantity INTEGER,
        date DATE NOT NULL DEFAULT NOW()::date,
        created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NOW()::date,
        updated_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NOW()::date,
        PRIMARY KEY (tenant_id, id, date)
    ) PARTITION BY RANGE (date);
    CREATE TABLE inventory_default PARTITION OF inventory DEFAULT;


    The data is partitioned based on the value of the date column.

  5. Run the following command to verify that the table has been created successfully:

  6. Run the following command to load sample data into the tenants table:

    INSERT INTO tenants (id, name) VALUES (1, 'adatum');
    INSERT INTO tenants (id, name) VALUES (2, 'contoso');
  7. Run the following command to load sample data into the inventory table:

    INSERT INTO inventory (id, tenant_id, name, quantity) VALUES (1, 1, 'yogurt', 200);
    INSERT INTO inventory (id, tenant_id, name, quantity) VALUES (2, 1, 'milk', 100);
    INSERT INTO inventory (id, tenant_id, name, quantity) VALUES (1, 2, 'yogurt', 20);
    INSERT INTO inventory (id, tenant_id, name, quantity) VALUES (2, 2, 'milk', 10);
  8. Run the following command to verify that the inventory table contains the data you inserted:

    SELECT * FROM inventory;
  9. Close the Cloud Shell pane.

Integrate the Azure Database for PostgreSQL server with Microsoft Entra ID

To integrate the Azure Database for PostgreSQL server instance with Microsoft Entra ID, you must provide a Microsoft Entra user account as the designated Active Directory admin of the server. You'll use for this purpose the adatumadmin1 user account you created in the previous task. You need to sign in to the server using that user account. At that point, you'll be able to create Microsoft Entra ID-based database users and assign to them database roles. You'll use for the adatumuser1, adatumgroup1, and contosouser1 Microsoft Entra objects you created in the previous exercise.

  1. Within the browser window displaying the Azure portal with the Azure Database for PostgreSQL server blade, in the vertical menu, in the Settings section, select Active Directory admin, and then in the toolbar, select Set admin.

  2. On the Active Directory admin blade, in the list of Microsoft Entra user accounts, select the adatumadmin1 user account you created in the previous exercise, select Select, and then select Save.

  3. Open another web browser window in the Incognito/InPrivate mode, navigate to the Azure portal, and sign in by using the adatumadmin1 user account (with the Pa55w.rd1234 password) you created in the previous exercise.

  4. In the Azure portal, open the Cloud Shell by selecting its icon in the toolbar next to the search text box.

  5. When you're prompted to select either Bash or PowerShell, select Bash, and then when presented with the message You have no storage mounted, select Create storage.

  6. Within the Bash session on the Cloud Shell pane, run the following commands to retrieve and display a Microsoft Entra access token required to access Azure Database for PostgreSQL:

    FULL_TOKEN=$(az account get-access-token --resource-type oss-rdbms)
    echo $FULL_TOKEN


    The command generates an output that includes a Base 64-encoded token, which identifies the authenticated user to the Azure Database for PostgreSQL resource.

    The output uses the following format:

      "accessToken": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLDJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsIng1dCI6Im5PbzNaRHJPRFhFSzFqS1doWHNsSFJfS1hFZyIsImtpZCI6Im5PbzNaRHJPRFhFSzFqS1doWHNsSFJfS1hFZyJ9.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.fFV3s2OjpVU52_SA8-atIDdkLN4onLgPmYrxa5eNCbuF0VbVOA5a9Ifv66H5a__6lMiLoV8n9EgTV4CpsLmvn6JFjAD9aHyEBkS2_iL_Rx-KCmlc7Vr6UHezrlrA3skf8oq3yb2Zqy_A3_kOrsnFgX8NP5uWoMmTzjWGTw3rOfjERJ7PowQC60nzlF1uCRDKIWw62SW4xiDQj23DSLDbkfUiG_Z9Swbw4DuMPTPeUVwz9AWhmg8lrqt5oawhKB-OMcpuwSf1-rE1cf2w54uthU6764DBEf5MVt8K95AKW0rey888znrIGKT-6yFenYUZZjL1aJ-jz8OIyNjuQK73XQ",
      "expiresOn": "2021-05-21 18:22:44.000000",
      "subscription": "d15bacf3-b17b-4ad5-a913-5fb904bd2f71",
      "tenant": "a6239514-41a5-4123-981a-ee7bb9e6a3b4",
      "tokenType": "Bearer"
  7. Run the following command to set the value of the PGPASSWORD variable to the value of the access token from the output of the command you ran in the previous step:

    export PGPASSWORD=$(echo $FULL_TOKEN | jq -r '.accessToken')
  8. Run the following command to connect to the cnamtinventory database using the psql tool and by using Microsoft Entra authentication (replace the <server_name> placeholder with the name of the server you identified previously in this exercise):

    DOMAIN_NAME=$(az rest --method GET --url 'https://management.azure.com/tenants?api-version=2020-01-01' --query "value[0].defaultDomain" -o tsv)
    psql "host=<server_name>.postgres.database.azure.com user=adatumadmin1@$DOMAIN_NAME@<server_name> dbname=cnamtinventory sslmode=require"


    When you successfully connect, you should be presented with the cnamtinventory=> prompt.

  9. From the cnamtinventory=> prompt, run the following command to create a database role corresponding to the adatumgroup1 Microsoft Entra group you created in the previous exercise:

    CREATE ROLE "adatumgroup1" WITH LOGIN IN ROLE azure_ad_user;
  10. Run the following command to verify that the roles have been successfully created:

    SELECT rolname FROM pg_roles;
  11. Run the following command to grant the SELECT permissions on the inventory table to the adatumgroup1 you created in the previous exercise:

    GRANT SELECT ON inventory TO adatumgroup1;
  12. Sign out as the adatumadmin1 user account and close the Incognito/InPrivate mode web browser window.

Register an application with Microsoft Entra ID

To implement a sample Node.js-based application that uses Microsoft Entra authentication to access an Azure Database for PostgreSQL database, you must create a Microsoft Entra application object and the corresponding security principal. This will allow the Node.js-based application to impersonate Microsoft Entra users when accessing database objects.

  1. In the Azure portal, use the Search resources, services, and docs text box to search for Microsoft Entra ID, and in the list of results, select Microsoft Entra ID.

  2. On the Microsoft Entra blade, in the vertical menu, in the Manage section, select App registrations.

  3. On the App registrations blade, select + New registration.

  4. On the Register an application blade, in the Name text box, enter cna-app. In the Supported account types section, ensure that the option Accounts in this organizational directory only (Default directory only - Single tenant) is selected. In the Redirect URI (optional) section, set the Web entry to http://localhost:8080/redirect, and then select Register.

    Screenshot of the Register an application blade in the Azure portal.


    You have the option of configuring multitenant support for your Microsoft Entra registered applications. However, detailed coverage of this approach is outside the scope of this module.


    After you deploy your application, you'll need to modify the Redirect URI (optional) value to reflect its actual URL.

  5. On the cna-app blade, review the resulting settings and record the values of the Application (client) ID and the Directory (tenant) ID properties.

    Screenshot of the cna-app blade in the Azure portal.

  6. On the cna-app blade, in the Manage section, select Certificates & secrets and select + New client secret.

  7. On the Add a client secret blade, in the Description text box, enter cna-secret-0. Leave the Expires drop-down list entry with its default value and select Add.

    Screenshot of the Add a client secret blade in the Azure portal.

  8. Back on the cna-app | Certificates & secrets blade, copy the value of the newly generated secret.


    Make sure to copy the value of the secret before you navigate away from this blade, because at that point, you'll no longer be able to retrieve it. If that happens, create another secret.

    Screenshot of the value of the client secret on the cna-app Certificates & secrets blade in the Azure portal.

  9. On the cna-app | Certificates & secrets blade, in the vertical menu, in the Manage section, select API permissions.

    Screenshot of the cna-app API permissions blade in the Azure portal.

  10. On the cna-app | API permissions blade, select + Add a permission, on the Request API permission blade, select the APIs my organization uses tab, in the search text box, enter Azure OSSRDBMS Database, and then in the list of results, select Azure OSSRDBMS Database.

    Screenshot of the Request API permissions blade in the Azure portal.

  11. On the Request API permission blade, select Delegated permissions, select the user_impersonation checkbox, and then select Add permissions.

    Screenshot of the Request API permissions blade in the Azure portal, with the Delegated permissions option selected.

  12. Back on the cna-app | API permissions blade, select Grant admin consent for Default Directory, and when prompted for confirmation, select Yes.

    Screenshot of the cna-app API permissions blade in the Azure portal, with the prompt to confirm granting of the admin consent.

  13. On the cna-app | API permissions blade, verify that the permissions have been granted.

    Screenshot of the cna-app API permissions blade in the Azure portal, with the consent and permissions granted.

Implement a simple, Microsoft Entra integrated Node.js-based application

With the application registered in the Microsoft Entra tenant, you can now proceed with its implementation.

  1. In the Azure portal, start a Bash session within the Cloud Shell by selecting its icon in the toolbar next to the search text box.

  2. Within the Bash session on the Cloud Shell pane, run the following commands to initialize a Node.js project in a new directory:

    mkdir -p cna-aadexpress && cd cna-aadexpress
    npm init -y
  3. Run the following commands to add required packages to the project's dependency:

    npm install express
    npm install pg
    npm install @azure/msal-node
  4. Run the following command to create a file named index.js in the root of the project:

    touch ./index.js
  5. Use the nano editor to open the file index.js and add the following content. You'll create an app name later in this unit to replace the placeholder <webapp_name>. Replace <client_id>, <tenant_id>, <client_secret>, and <server_name> (excluding the .postgres.database.azure.com suffix) with their actual values you recorded earlier in this exercise:


    The placeholders <client_id> and <tenant_id> correspond to the Application (client) ID and the Directory (tenant) ID properties referenced earlier in this exercise.

    // Import dependencies
    const express = require("express");
    const msal = require('@azure/msal-node');
    const pg = require('pg');
    const port = process.env.PORT || 8080
    // Initialize express
    const app = express();
    app.listen(port, () => console.log(`Sample app is listening on port ${port}!`))
    // Authentication parameters
    const config = {
    auth: {
            clientId: "<client_id>",
            authority: "https://login.microsoftonline.com/<tenant_id>",
            clientSecret: "<client_secret>"
    system: {
        loggerOptions: {
            loggerCallback(loglevel, message, containsPii) {
        piiLoggingEnabled: false,
        logLevel: msal.LogLevel.Verbose,
    var outputrows = ""
    // Initialize MSAL Node object using authentication parameters
    const cca = new msal.ConfidentialClientApplication(config);
    app.get('/auth', (req, res) => {
    redirectUri = req.hostname.toLowerCase()=="localhost" ? "http://localhost:8080/redirect" : "https://<webapp_name>.azurewebsites.net/redirect";
    // Construct a request object for auth code
    const authCodeUrlParameters = {
        scopes: ["https://ossrdbms-aad.database.windows.net/user_impersonation"],
        redirectUri: redirectUri,
    // Request auth code, then redirect
        .then((response) => {
        }).catch((error) => res.send(error));
    app.get('/redirect', (req, res) => {
    redirectUri = req.hostname.toLowerCase()=="localhost" ? "http://localhost:8080/redirect" : "https://<webapp_name>.azurewebsites.net/redirect";
    // Use the auth code in redirect request to construct a token request object
    const tokenRequest = {
        code: req.query.code,
        scopes: ["https://ossrdbms-aad.database.windows.net/user_impersonation"],
        redirectUri: redirectUri,
    // Exchange the auth code for tokens
    .then((response) => {
        var username = 'adatumgroup1';
        var databasename = 'cnamtinventory';
        var servername = '<server_name>';
        var tablename = 'inventory';
        process.env.PGPASSWORD = response.accessToken;
        const connectionString =
        res.write(connectionString + "\n\n");
        res.write(response.accessToken + "\n\n");
        const client = new pg.Client(connectionString);
        client.connect(err => {
            if (err) throw err;
            else {
        function queryDatabase(tenant_id) {
            console.log(`Running query to PostgreSQL server: ${servername}`);
            switch (tenant_id) {
                case "adatumuser1":
                    id = "1";
                case "contosouser1":
                    id = "2";
            const query = `SELECT * FROM ${tablename} WHERE tenant_id = ${id};`;
            .then(qresponse => {
                const rows = qresponse.rows;
                rows.map(row => {
                    var singlerow = `${JSON.stringify(row)}`;
                    outputrows += singlerow + "\n";
            .catch(err => {
      }).catch((error) => res.write(error));


    A multitenant Microsoft Entra registered application uses the generic authority URL authority: "https://login.microsoftonline.com/common", but in your case, you need to use a single-tenant URL that includes your tenant ID.


    Keep in mind that after you deploy the application, you'll need to replace the value of REDIRECT URL with its actual redirect URL.

  6. Use the nano editor to edit the package.json file in the root of the project and replace it with the following content:

      "name": "node-express",
      "version": "1.0.0",
      "description": "Node.js express sample",
      "main": "index.js",
      "scripts": {
        "start": "node index.js"
      "author": "",
      "license": "ISC",
      "dependencies": {
        "@azure/msal-node": "^1.1.0",
        "body-parser": "^1.19.0",
        "express": "^4.17.1",
        "http": "0.0.0",
        "morgan": "^1.10.0",
        "pg": "^8.6.0"

Validate the functionality of the Node.js-based application

You're finally ready to test the functionality of your web app. While you could containerize it, for the sake of simplicity, you'll deploy it to an Azure App Service. This will provide a quick way to validate its functionality and ensure that containerizing it is a viable option.

  1. In the Bash session on the Cloud Shell pane, run the following commands to create a resource group that will host the Azure web app, into which you'll deploy the Node.js Express app:

    LOCATION=$(az group show --resource-group $RG1NAME --query location --output tsv)
    az group create --name $RG2NAME --location $LOCATION
  2. Run the following commands to create a Free-tier Azure App Service plan that will host the new Azure web app:

    az appservice plan create --name $SPNAME --resource-group $RG2NAME --sku F1 --is-linux
  3. Run the following commands to create the new Node.js-based Azure web app:

    az webapp create --name $WEBAPPNAME --resource-group $RG2NAME --plan $SPNAME --runtime "NODE|16-lts"
  4. Run the following commands to identify the name of the web app:

    echo $WEBAPPNAME
  5. Use the nano editor to open the index.js file, replace two <webapp_name> placeholders with the name you identified in the previous step, save your changes, and close the file.


    Make sure to replace both <webapp_name> placeholders.

  6. Open another tab in the web browser window displaying the Azure portal, navigate to the Azure portal and, if prompted, sign in to access the Azure subscription you'll be using in this module.

  7. In the Azure portal, use the Search resources, services, and docs text box to search for Microsoft Entra ID and, in the list of results, select Microsoft Entra ID.

  8. On the Microsoft Entra blade, navigate to the App registrations blade, select the cna-app entry, in the vertical menu, in the Manage section, select Authentication.

  9. On the cna-app | Authentication blade, modify the value of the Redirect URI to match the entry you updated in the index.js file and save the change.

    Screenshot of the cna-app Authentication blade in the Azure portal.

  10. Switch back to the web browser tab displaying the Bash session on the Cloud Shell pane and run the following commands to initialize the local Git repository and commit all changes in the main branch:

    cd ~/cna-aadexpress
    git config --global user.email "user1@adatum.com"
    git config --global user.name "Adatum User1"
    git init
    git add -A
    git commit -m "Initial Commit"
  11. Run the following commands to set up user-level deployment credentials:

    az webapp deployment user set --user-name $DEPLOYMENTUSER --password $DEPLOYMENTPASS
  12. Run the following commands to identify the user-level deployment credentials and record their value, because you'll need them later in this task:

  13. Run the following commands to identify the Azure web app deployment URL that you'll use as the target of the git push command:

    WEBAPPNAME=$(az webapp list --resource-group $RG2NAME --query "[0].name" --output tsv)
    DEPLOYMENTURL=$(az webapp deployment source config-local-git --name $WEBAPPNAME --resource-group $RG2NAME --output tsv)
  14. Run the following command to configure the remote repo named azure, representing the deployment URL you identified in the previous step:

    git remote add azure $DEPLOYMENTURL
  15. Run the following commands to create the test branch based on the main branch and push its contents to the Azure Web app (when prompted for the password that's part of the user-level deployment credentials you recorded previously in this task):

    git checkout -b test
    git commit -a -m "testing"
    git push --set-upstream azure test
  16. Close the Cloud Shell pane.

  17. Open another web browser window in the Incognito/InPrivate mode, navigate to the Azure portal, and sign in by using the adatumuser1 user account you created in the previous exercise.

  18. In the Azure portal, use the Search resources, services, and docs text box at the beginning of the Azure portal page to search for App Services.

  19. On the App Services blade, in the list of App Service instances, select the entry representing the newly deployed Azure web app.

  20. On the blade displaying the properties of the web app, in the Essentials section, copy the value of the Default domain URL.

  21. Open another tab in the same browser window and in its search box, enter https://, paste the URL you just copied to the clipboard, add the /auth suffix, and select Enter.


    The URL should have the following format: https://<webapp_name>.azurewebsites.net/auth

  22. Verify that the resulting webpage consists of the Microsoft Entra authentication information for the currently signed-in user (the output might differ).

    Screenshot of the page of the Node.js web app displaying the Microsoft Entra authentication information.


Congratulations! You've completed the second exercise of this module. In this exercise, you installed Azure Database for PostgreSQL in the single server deployment model, created a database with sample inventory data, integrated the server with Microsoft Entra ID, and implemented a simple Node.js-based application that queries the database by relying on Microsoft Entra authentication.