

Azure Architects use various mechanisms to complete post-deployment configuration tasks and automation operations for their Azure virtual machines. When a virtual machine requires software installation or anti-virus protection, or the machine needs to run a script, you can use virtual machine extensions to manage these processes.

In this module, your company has created numerous scripts and processes to ensure their virtual machines are updated. These scripts also run various configuration tasks. You're responsible for automating the update process. You're using virtual machine extensions to avoid configuration drift.

Learning objectives

In this module, you learn how to:

  • Identify features and usage cases for virtual machine extensions.
  • Identify features and usage cases for Custom Script Extensions.
  • Identify features and usage cases for Desired State Configuration.

Skills measured

The content in the module helps you prepare for Exam AZ-104: Microsoft Azure Administrator. The module concepts are covered in:

Deploy and manage Azure compute resources (20–25%)

  • Automate deployment of virtual machines by using Azure Resource Manager (ARM) templates
    • Deploy virtual machine extensions

