

You can convert an existing standard product to an engineering product in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management. When you enable change management for an existing product, you can create versions of that product and trace changes that are made to it throughout its life. A wizard is provided to guide you through the conversion process.

The conversion is permanent, so you won't be able to revert it later.

Restrictions and limitations

Not all product types can be converted to all other types. The following restrictions and limitations apply:

  • When you convert a product to an engineering product, it remains a product; it doesn't become a product master.

  • When you convert a product master that has a specific set of dimensions, those dimensions are maintained after the change. For example, if you convert a product master that has the size dimension, it will keep the size dimension.

Therefore, if you have a distinct product, you can change it only to an engineering product that doesn't track the product dimension in transactions (that is, the version dimension isn't used).