Exercise - Move between pages by using stack navigation



.NET MAUI is the next evolution of Xamarin and what we recommend you develop mobile and desktop apps with, and you can learn more about .NET MAUI in several training modules. This Xamarin training module will not be maintained going forward.

You'll be working on the planetarium Astronomy app. There's some starter code to get you going. Your job is to add stack navigation by using a NavigationPage to let the user take a linear path through several pages, and then back again.

Open the starter solution

  1. Clone or download the exercise repo from GitHub.


    If you are planning to run and debug your Xamarin apps on Android from Windows, it is best to clone or download the exercise content to a short folder path, such as C:\dev\, to avoid build-generated files exceeding the maximum path length.

  2. Open the starter solution from the exercise1 > start folder by using Visual Studio.

Add a NavigationPage

We'll use a NavigationPage to add stack navigation to the starter Astronomy app. The NavigationPage will be the first page your app displays.

  1. Open App.xaml.cs.
  2. Find the App constructor, and change the MainPage to a new instance of NavigationPage.
  3. Pass in an instance of Astronomy.MainPage to the NavigationPage constructor.
public App ()

    MainPage = new NavigationPage(new Astronomy.MainPage());

Add the navigation UI

  1. Open MainPage.xaml.
  2. Add a new Button in the StackLayout, below the Label.
  3. Name the button btnSunrise.
  4. Set the button text to Sunrise and Sunset.
  5. Add three more buttons:
    • Name: btnMoonPhase, Text: Moon Phase
    • Name: btnSpaceInfo, Text: Astronomical Bodies
    • Name: btnAbout, Text: About Contoso Astronomy
<ContentPage ...>
        <Button x:Name="btnSunrise" Text="Sunrise and Sunset" />
        <Button x:Name="btnMoonPhase" Text="Moon Phase" />
        <Button x:Name="btnSpaceInfo" Text="Astronomical Bodies" />
        <Button x:Name="btnAbout" Text="About Contoso Astronomy" />

Move to the selected page

You'll respond to your new buttons' Clicked events, and move to the appropriate page.

  1. Open MainPage.xaml.cs.
  2. Add the button Clicked event handlers in the page constructor for the four buttons you created in the previous step.
    • For btnSunrise, assign a Navigation.PushAsync call with a new SunrisePage.
    • For btnMoonPhase, assign a Navigation.PushAsync call with a new MoonPhasePage.
    • For btnSpaceInfo, assign a Navigation.PushAsync call with a new AstronomicalBodiesPage.
    • For btnAbout, assign a Navigation.PushAsync call with a new AboutPage.
  3. Optionally, inspect AstronomicalBodies. Notice that it also uses stack navigation to let you move one level deeper in the content hierarchy.
  4. Run the application and move forward and backward through the application content.
public MainPage()

    btnSunrise.Clicked += (s, e) => Navigation.PushAsync(new SunrisePage());
    btnMoonPhase.Clicked += (s, e) => Navigation.PushAsync(new MoonPhasePage());
    btnSpaceInfo.Clicked += (s, e) => Navigation.PushAsync(new AstronomicalBodiesPage());
    btnAbout.Clicked += (s, e) => Navigation.PushAsync(new AboutPage());

You now have the app set up for stack navigation. You push new pages onto the stack with button click handlers, and allow the user to return to previous pages by using system-specific, back-navigation buttons or gestures.