Display content requiring user action by using modal pages



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Sometimes you need to require the user to complete an action before navigating away from a page. For example, suppose the user is entering information into a form. You might want them to save or cancel before they leave the page.

A modal page is a page with restricted navigation options: the user must indicate they're finished before moving to a different page. Modal pages are a good option when you need a response from the user.

Modal pages are presented above any existing UI. They block access to the underlying UI until the modal content is dismissed. With modal content, we often provide specific and concrete actions for the user to do.

Move by using modal pages

In Xamarin.Forms, modal pages are also stored in a stack, similar but independent of the navigation stack. Having a second stack allows us to display multiple pages modally.

Unlike the navigation stack, which requires a NavigationPage, the modal stack is always available. We can always present a page modally, regardless of the overall navigation structure of the app.

Let's look at the APIs used to push and pop pages modally. These methods are defined in the INavigation interface, and are available on every page's Navigation property.

public interface INavigation
    IReadOnlyList<Page> ModalStack { get; }
    Task PushModalAsync(Page page);
    Task<Page> PopModalAsync();

    IReadOnlyList<Page> NavigationStack { get; }
    Task PushAsync(Page page);
    Task<Page> PopAsync();

We use PushModalAsync to display a page modally, and PopModalAsync to dismiss the modal page.

Call the modal navigation methods

Here's an example of displaying a modal page. We create a new instance of EditPage, and pass it to the PushModalAsync method.

public class AlarmsPage : ContentPage
{  ...
    async void OnEditClick(...) {
        await Navigation.PushModalAsync(new EditPage());

Recall that pages displayed modally don't include a navigation bar by default. That means there's no automatic UI, like a back-button, for the user to leave a modal page. It's your responsibility to provide a way to dismiss the modal page. The lack of a back button gives you more control over the navigation flow. For example, you can require the user to make a choice between save and cancel before closing the page.

To dismiss the modal page, call Navigation.PopModalAsync.

public class EditPage : ContentPage
    async void OnSaveClick  (...) {
        await Navigation.PopModalAsync();
    async void OnCancelClick(...) {
        await Navigation.PopModalAsync();

Handle device back buttons

There's one last thing to consider. Some devices include hardware or system-provided back buttons. These buttons will dismiss our modal page and bypass the code in our OnSaveClick or OnCancelClick methods. It may not be obvious to users what will happen when they press this button. Will it save or cancel?

Override a Page's OnBackButtonPressed method to help solve this problem. Overriding the method lets us do some work before the page is dismissed. It's up to us decide what should happen. We could implement some default behavior, we could assume the user intends to save any entered data, or we could assume it means cancel. There isn't a "right" answer; it will depend on the app.

public partial class EditContactPage : ContentPage
    protected override bool OnBackButtonPressed()

Optionally, you can prevent the page from dismissing by returning true. In this case, you should provide UI to indicate to the user that you expect them to make an unambiguous selection. Or, you could present a dialog box telling the user what will happen if they choose to leave the page.

Check your knowledge


How are modal pages typically visible to the user in relation to the original page that showed the modal page?


To dismiss a modal page currently being presented, which method would you call from the Navigation API?


How does the user dismiss a modal page?