Cancel a project vendor invoice


If an error occurs on a vendor invoice that has been confirmed, you can use the Cancel action to reverse the impact of the vendor invoice and create a new vendor invoice.

After you've selected Cancel on a vendor invoice, the following behavior will occur:

  1. The state of the vendor invoice will be updated to Canceled.

  2. The canceled vendor invoice and its related records become read-only, and you can't edit or delete it.

  3. Cost actuals that were created based on vendor invoice lines as part of the confirmation of the vendor invoice will be reversed.

  4. If cost actuals were linked to the vendor invoice lines as part of the matching process, the original vendor invoice confirmation reverses them. During vendor invoice cancellation, those cost actuals are re-created. The origins point to the time, expense, or material usage entries.

  5. After the vendor invoice has been canceled, you can create correction journals, process time entry recalls, and cancel the approval of the original time, expense, or material actuals.