Defining individual goals


A goal in Dynamics 365 is the record that defines the specific details on what specifically is going to be measured. This is who is responsible (user or team), and what is the specific time that you're tracking this goal for.

Every goal that you create will be based on an underlying goal metric record with a metric type of either 'amount' or 'count'. The selection of the goal metric determines how the actual and in-progress values are calculated. Many goals track both an actual value and an in-progress value against a target.

For example, a sales rep might have a monthly revenue target and track both won and open opportunities against the target. However, goal records aren't required to include both actual and in-progress calculated columns.

One key element of a goal is that goals will always have a time period with a target value. Goal records are made up of three numeric values that can be used together to track progress against goals:

  • Target Values - Are manually entered by the user. This is really what the goal is.

  • Actual Values - Are calculated and defined by the Actual Rollup column specified in the underlying goal metric. In other words, how are you doing relative to the target goal?  

  • In-Progress Values - These are calculated and defined by the In-Progress Rollup column specified in the underlying goal metric or the potential records that could be counted towards your actual target.

Goals are always constructed around a time period using a target value. For example, Janet's goal is to win 50 opportunities this month, which the target value being '50' and the time period being 'one month'.

Rollup field is a column that contains calculated columns for actual and in-progress values. The criteria specified in the goal and goal metric columns, along with the owners of the underlying records, determine which records are included in the calculation of a goal's Target and In-Progress columns.

Creating goals

After you have defined the specific goal metrics that you want to track, you can create your actual goal records for users and teams. Goals can be created from the app settings in the Sales Hub App.

When defining a goal, you'll need to provide the following information:

  • Name - Name that describes the goal.

  • Parent Goal - If this goal is a child goal of another goal, select that goal as a parent goal.

  • Goal Metric - Choose how the goal will be tracked by selecting a metric for the goal. (If you select a parent goal for this goal, you can't select a goal metric. It's automatically populated from the parent goal.)

  • Goal Owner - Select the user or team responsible for meeting the goal.

    Screenshot of New Goal dialog showing the General tab with the name set to Quarterly Revenue.

    Each goal will have time period information where you'll define whether the goal period is a fiscal period or a custom period.

  • If Goal Period Type is Fiscal Period, select a fiscal period and fiscal year for which the goal is tracked.

  • If Goal Period Type is Custom Period, select a date in the From and To columns to define a custom period for which the goal is tracked.

On the Targets tab, specify a target value against which the results of the goal rollup are measured. The target type depends on the Amount Data Type selected for the goal metric that you chose for this goal.

You'll see one of the following required columns:

  • Target (Decimal) - This column is available if the goal Metric Type is Amount and the Amount Data Type is Decimal.

  • Target (Money) - This column is available if the goal Metric Type is Amount and the Amount Data Type is Money.

  • Target (Integer) - This column is available if the goal Metric Type is Amount and the Amount Data Type is Integer or if the goal Metric Type is Count.

If the goal metric you're using has Track Stretch Target selected, you'll also see one of the following required columns:

  • Stretched Target (Decimal) - This column is available if the goal Metric Type is Amount and the Amount Data Type is Decimal.

  • Stretched Target (Money) - This column is available if the goal Metric Type is Amount and the Amount Data Type is Money.

  • Stretched Target (Integer) - This column is available if the goal Metric Type is Amount and the Amount Data Type is Integer or if the goal Metric Type is Count.

    Screenshot of targets.

The Actuals tab shows the actual value achieved toward the target as of the last rolled-up date:

  • Actual (Money) - If the goal metric uses Money as the Amount Data Type, this column shows the total amount of money achieved towards the goal as of the last rolled-up date.

  • In-progress (Money) - If the goal metric uses Money as the Amount Data Type, this column shows the amount of money achieved toward the goal since the last time the actuals were calculated.

  • Percentage Achieved - If the goal metric is Decimal orInteger, this column shows the percentage of the goal that is complete as of the last rolled-up date.

  • Last Rolled Up Date - This column shows the last date and time that the actuals were recalculated.

    Screenshot of actuals.

On the Goal Criteria tab, define the criteria that will be used for rolling up the actuals data against the goal.

  • Roll Up Only From Child Goals - If you want to limit the data used for the roll up to only child goals, select Yes. To allow other data to be used for the roll ups, select No.

  • Record Set for Rollup - If you want to limit the records that can be included in the roll up to only those records owned by the goal owner, select Owned by goal owner. To allow all records to be included in the roll up data, select All.

    Screenshot of goal criteria.