

From student reports to monthly newsletters, today's classrooms have many stories to tell. Digital storytelling with Microsoft Sway lets educators and students focus on the content and not worry about the format. This module will show how Sway can be used to capture and share the digital stories that need to be told.

Learning objectives

  • Explain how Sway works to share text, images, video, and dynamic content to tell a rich digital story
  • Identify examples of Sway's impact in the classroom
  • Practice creating a Sway
  • Explain a variety of ways Sway can be used in the classroom

Professional journal

How do your students learn best? Do you employ the same methods when you are learning something new? You are here because something has inspired you to learn more about Sway. If you are actually going to retain this knowledge and begin to embed changes in your current educational practice, you will need some space to take notes, reflect, copy links, and keep track of any inspirational ideas.

Right now, before you start on the content for this module, go to Learn more about OneNote.