Use release gates to protect quality


A quality gate is the best way to enforce a quality policy in your organization. It's there to answer one question: can I deliver my application to production or not?

A quality gate is located before a stage that is dependent on the outcome of a previous stage. A quality gate was typically something that a QA department monitored in the past.

They had several documents or guidelines, and they verified if the software was of a good enough quality to move on to the next stage.

When we think about Continuous Delivery, all manual processes are a potential bottleneck.

We need to reconsider the notion of quality gates and see how we can automate these checks as part of our release pipeline.

By using automatic approval with a release gate, you can automate the approval and validate your company's policy before moving on.

Many quality gates can be considered.

  • No new blocker issues.
  • Code coverage on new code greater than 80%.
  • No license violations.
  • No vulnerabilities in dependencies.
  • No further technical debt was introduced.
  • Is the performance not affected after a new release?
  • Compliance checks
    • Are there work items linked to the release?
    • Is the release started by someone else as the one who commits the code?

Defining quality gates improves the release process, and you should always consider adding them.