Challenge 4: The Dragon's Lair


Emotions can be challenging. There are many different types of emotions: happy, sad, angry, and so on. It's okay to feel all types of emotions, even the unpleasant ones! What are ways you can cope with difficult emotions?

According to the Gottman Institute, there's a three-phase process for teaching children how to deal with difficult emotions.

  • Identify the emotions
    • Am I angry, sad, embarrassed, hurt?
  • Identify what triggers the emotions
    • What happened? Was it something someone said, did, or didn't do? Was it something I did that triggered these emotions?
  • Managing those emotions
    • Activities and strategies to help students manage. Brainstorm ideas with students—the more options the better.

Sometimes, no matter what you do, you can't shake a tough emotion. If you find yourself stuck in feelings of sadness or worry for more than a couple of weeks, or if you feel so upset that you think you might hurt yourself or other people, you may need extra help.

Social emotional core concepts

  • Self-awareness
  • Self-management
  • Responsible decision-making

Out of game activity

Additional resources


Players are transported into the Nether to face the dragon and create something to please the dragon. No matter what the player builds, it doesn't please the dragon

Screenshot from Mindful Knight Minecraft Game - The Dragon