Challenge 3: Emotional Plains


Emotions can change over time. Sometimes emotions last a moment. Other times emotions last longer. Giving space to recognize this happens might bring some hope when you're dealing with difficult emotions. There can be a bit of hope that the difficult feeling might lessen, or that at some point in time you may feel something different.

Social emotional core concepts

  • Self-management
  • Self-awareness

Out of game activity

  • Literacy link: Read My Many Colored Days by Dr. Seuss. Encourage students to write or draw in a feelings chart. Help students notice that different places, colors, or events can draw out different feelings.

Additional resources


In this third challenge, players ride on a mine cart track like a small roller coaster, and travel through multiple environments, or biomes. Players take photos along the way and notice how each environment makes them feel. A wide variety of feelings may arise, such as fear, boredom, or cheerfulness. Players should notice feelings might change as the ride moves forward through the different biomes, just like our feelings change on a daily basis as we move through the world.

Screenshot from Mindful Knight Minecraft Game - Wizard introduces Storm Sisters


In the journal, students write captions for the images they took with the camera in the game. They're asked to write a reflection about whether their emotions changed as they passed through the different scenes.