Challenge 1: The Tower of Focus
In this challenge, students must focus on their breathing and be aware of their thoughts.
Mindful breathing
A key aspect of mindfulness is the ability to calm and focus the mind. The purpose of mindful breathing is to maintain focus of the breath. The purpose isn't to clear the mind of all thought, but instead to notice when the mind wanders and bring it back to focusing on breathing.
The ability to redirect attention back to the present moment and the task that is requiring attention. Sustaining focus and shifting focus are critical executive function skills that mindfulness helps build.
Social emotional core concepts
- Self-awareness
- Self-management
Out of game activity
Practice mindful breathing with your students before they play The Mindful Knight adventure.
Explore these links to find a breathing exercise that best fits your classroom:
- Deep breathing exercises for kids!
- Try this! Mindful breathing
- How mindful breathing trains your brain to focus
The player focuses on breathing while floating up inside a tower. Students don't need to follow the timing on the screen for their breathing; their breath should be their own natural rhythm.
The reflection questions in the Book and Quill ask students to take notice of what their thoughts were while focusing on their breathing.