Vision for change


Build a shared vision for your school that includes the aspirations and needs of all stakeholders. To remain current, the vision should be a flexible, living document that evolves with technology and end user needs.

Today's students will graduate into a world we don’t yet know and into a workforce that demands skills for jobs that don’t yet exist. How, then, can we best serve these students? We must equip them to be lifelong learners. By anticipating the future through research and studies and channeling this knowledge into the everyday classroom, educators serve the next generation of students. As you read pages 1-9 of the Class of 2030 Whitepaper, consider your vision for change.

Progress happens. And it happens more quickly than in the past, with digital tools serving the purpose of a clear vision focused on specific learning goals. Which digital tools may best serve in your purpose of a clear vision focused on specific learning goals?

Tools that support personalized learning approaches will elevate—rather than diminish—the critical role of the educator. Indeed, teaching, as a profession, is projected to grow by three to nine percent in the next decade. Teaching will shift to a coaching model as technology advances, allowing educators to spend less time on routine tasks, giving them more time and new ways to understand and interact with their students.  

Set up a Microsoft Team workspace for your Education Transformation Framework project. Invite stakeholders to join. Post the resource: The Class of 2030 and Life-ready Learning: The Technology Imperative for them to read.

Post a question along with the resource to generate thinking and spark discussion around why a vision for change is needed.

A sample question might be: Before we as stakeholders can implement policies and approaches, we first need to agree on the problems that must be solved within our organization and position those problems for broad attention. What shifts does our organization need to make to ensure that learners and learning take center stage?

Develop your digital transformation vision

Critical to having a successful plan is having a clear vision with buy-in from the identified stakeholders that allows for flexibility in updating direction based on predetermined data points.

The article, Strengthen School Vision with Technology provides guidance on incorporating technology into the overall vision of a school system.

Create a plan to execute a work session with your stakeholders.