Understand typical situations for agent pools


If you've got many agents intended for different teams or purposes, you might want to create more pools, as explained below.

Create agent pools

Here are some typical situations when you might want to create agent pools:

  • You're a project member, and you want to use a set of machines your team owns for running build and deployment jobs.
    • First, make sure you're a member of a group in All Pools with the Administrator role.
    • Next, create a New project agent pool in your project settings and select the option to Create a new organization agent pool. As a result, both an organization and project-level agent pool will be created.
    • Finally, install and configure agents to be part of that agent pool.
  • You're a member of the infrastructure team and would like to set up a pool of agents for use in all projects.
    • First, make sure you're a member of a group in All Pools with the Administrator role.
    • Next, create a New organization agent pool in your admin settings and select Autoprovision corresponding project agent pools in all projects while creating the pool. This setting ensures all projects have a pool pointing to the organization agent pool. The system creates a pool for existing projects, and in the future, it will do so whenever a new project is created.
    • Finally, install and configure agents to be part of that agent pool.
  • You want to share a set of agent machines with multiple projects, but not all of them.
    • First, create a project agent pool in one of the projects and select the option to Create a new organization agent pool while creating that pool.
    • Next, go to each of the other projects, and create a pool in each of them while selecting the option to Use an existing organization agent pool.
    • Finally, install and configure agents to be part of the shared agent pool.