Exercise - Test prices by using the Price simulator


You are responsible for maintaining the sales prices of the products in your organization. After making several changes to the prices, you want to run some random checks by simulating the sales prices to ensure that the changes are implemented and the pricing is calculated correctly.

  1. In the USRT company, go to Retail and Commerce > Pricing and discounts > Price Simulator.
  2. Select New.
  3. In the Name field, enter MS Learn Demo.
  4. In the Description field, enter Demonstration of the price simulator.
  5. In the Channel ID field, enter Houston.
  6. Set the Enable Diagnostic field to Yes.
  7. In the Sales line group, select Add line.
  8. In the Item number field, enter item 0006.
  9. In the Sales line group, select Add line.
  10. In the Item number field, enter item 0007.
  11. In the Unit quantity field, enter 2.
  12. In the Sales line group, select Add line.
  13. In the Item number column, enter item 0007.
  14. Expand the Transaction summary section and view the details.
  15. Expand the Pricing diagnostics section to view the detailed calculation for the transaction.