Exercise - Receive a transfer order from Store Commerce


In this exercise, you will receive the transfer order that you shipped in the previous exercise.

  1. Sign in to the SANFRANCIS store by using the SANFRAN-1 register from the Store Commerce application by using the operator ID 000713.
  2. From the home page, scroll to locate the Inventory section, and then select the Inbound inventory operation.
  3. From the list of active inbound orders, the transfer order that you created and shipped from the previous exercises should be listed with a status of Fully shipped. Select that document.
  4. Select Order details.
  5. At the top of the page, select Full order list to see the items on the transfer.
  6. Select the line of the transfer order for item 91001.
  7. From the Details panel, select Receiving now.
  8. When prompted, enter 30.
  9. Select the line of the transfer order for item 93024.
  10. From the Details panel, select Receiving now.
  11. When prompted, enter 10.
  12. Select Finish receiving.
  13. Select Submit.
  14. Close the confirmation dialog box by selecting OK.


This exercise is one method of performing this task. If the user has a device with a barcode scanner and items with barcodes, receiving can also be done by scanning the barcodes of the items that are being received.