1100 XP

Migrate Azure resources and JSON ARM templates to use Bicep

DevOps Engineer
Azure Resource Manager

Export and convert your Azure resources to Bicep files, and migrate your JSON Azure Resource Manager templates (ARM templates) to Bicep. Refactor your Bicep files to follow best practices. Test your Bicep files and deploy them to production.

Learning objectives

After completing this module, you'll be able to:

  • Convert JSON ARM templates to Bicep.
  • Create Bicep definitions for your existing Azure resources.
  • Verify template conversions by using the what-if operation and documentation.


You should be familiar with the following:

  • Azure, including the Azure portal, subscriptions, and resource groups.
  • ARM templates (both JSON and Bicep), including parameters, modules, the existing keyword, and child and extension resources.
  • The what-if operation.
  • Refactoring Bicep files to align with best practices.

Before you start the exercises in the module, you'll need the following items:

This module is part of these learning paths

Module assessment

Assess your understanding of this module. Sign in and answer all questions correctly to earn a pass designation on your profile.

Take the module assessment