

Contoso Camping Store is developing new AI-powered features for their website to enhance user interaction and safety. As a developer, you're tasked with integrating Azure AI Content Safety features into the store's platform. Your goal is to ensure that all customer support conversations and user-generated content, such as product reviews and images, adhere to the company's content guidelines, promoting a safe and inclusive environment for all users. For testing purposes, you choose to use the moderation and safety features within Azure AI Studio.

Learning objectives

By completing this module, you’re able to:

  • Configure filters and threshold levels to block harmful content.
  • Perform text and image moderation for harmful content.
  • Analyze and improve Precision, Recall, and F1 Score metrics.
  • Detect groundedness in a model’s output.
  • Mitigate direct and indirect prompt injections.
  • Output filter configurations to code.
