Define the coffee machine device template


A device template in Azure IoT Central is a blueprint that defines the characteristics and behaviors of a type of device that connects to your application. For example, the device template defines the telemetry that a device sends, so that IoT Central can create visualizations that use the correct units and data types.

A device template includes the following sections:

  • A device model. The data that the coffee machine simulator exchanges with your application is specified in a device model.
    • Root component. The root component's interface describes capabilities that are specific to the device model.
    • Components. A device model may include components in addition to the root component to describe device capabilities. In this scenario, you'll only use the root component to define the Connected Coffee Maker model.
    • Inherited interfaces. A device model contains one or more interfaces that extend the capabilities of the root component. In this scenario, you'll define only one interface.
  • Views. This part of the device template lets you define visualizations to view data from the device, and forms to manage and control the coffee machine.

After you create a device template, you can connect a simulated device. The simulated device generates telemetry so you can test the behavior of your application before connecting a real device.

Here, you'll see how telemetry, properties, and commands definitions are specified in the device model, and the cloud properties and views needed to manage and control the devices in the IoT enabled coffee machines example.


Telemetry is the data that streams from your device. You can add multiple telemetry types to your device template to match the capabilities of your device. The coffee machine sends air humidity and water temperature values from its sensors. It also sends state information about whether it's currently brewing and when a cup is detected.


Use properties to share configuration data between a device and your application.

In this scenario, you use a writeable property to set the optimal water temperature and send it to the coffee machine. When the writeable property is updated in IoT Central, it's marked as pending in the UI until the device acknowledges that it has responded to the update.

You can use read-only properties to enable a device to send values to your application. Read-only properties can only be changed by the device. In this scenario, you define a read-only device property called Device Warranty Expired in the device template. The Device Warranty Expired field remains empty until the coffee machine is connected to IoT Central. Once connected, the coffee machine sends the warranty status to the application.

Cloud properties are device metadata that's associated with the device. Use cloud properties to record information about your device in your IoT Central application. In this scenario, you use cloud properties to record the ideal water temperature range of the coffee machine. Cloud properties are stored in the IoT Central application and don't synchronize with the device.


Use commands to remotely manage your device from your application. You can directly run commands on the device from the cloud to control the device. In this scenario, you run commands on your coffee machine to set it to maintenance mode or to start brewing.


You can customize the UI that IoT Central displays for managing and monitoring devices associated with the device template. In this scenario, you create a view to plot the telemetry values sent from the device, and create a form to manage the device properties.

Connected Coffee Maker model

A device model is the part of the device template that defines the telemetry, properties, and commands that a device supports. You can store a device capability model in a JSON file and import it into IoT Central. The following JSON is the device capability model for the connected coffee machine.

    "@id": "dtmi:com:example:ConnectedCoffeeMaker;1",
    "@type": "Interface",
    "contents": [
            "@type": ["Telemetry", "NumberValue", "Temperature"],
            "displayName": {
                "en": "Water Temperature"
            "name": "WaterTemperature",
            "schema": "double",
            "unit": "degreeCelsius",
            "decimalPlaces": 1,
            "maxValue": 100,
            "minValue": 86
            "@type": ["Telemetry", "NumberValue", "Humidity"],
            "displayName": {
                "en": "Air Humidity"
            "name": "AirHumidity",
            "schema": "integer",
            "unit": "percent",
            "maxValue": 100,
            "minValue": 20
            "@type": ["Telemetry", "State"],
            "displayName": {
                "en": "Brewing"
            "name": "Brewing",
            "schema": {
                "@type": "Enum",
                "enumValues": [
                        "displayName": {
                            "en": "Brewing"
                        "enumValue": "brewing",
                        "name": "Brewing"
                        "displayName": {
                            "en": "Not Brewing"
                        "enumValue": "notbrewing",
                        "name": "NotBrewing"
                "valueSchema": "string"
            "@type": ["Telemetry", "State"],
            "displayName": {
                "en": "Cup Detected"
            "name": "CupDetected",
            "schema": {
                "@type": "Enum",
                "enumValues": [
                        "displayName": {
                            "en": "Detected"
                        "enumValue": "detected",
                        "name": "Detected"
                        "displayName": {
                            "en": "Not Detected"
                        "enumValue": "notdetected",
                        "name": "NotDetected"
                "valueSchema": "string"
            "@type": ["Property", "NumberValue", "Initialized", "Temperature"],
            "displayName": {
                "en": "Optimal Temperature"
            "name": "OptimalTemperature",
            "schema": "double",
            "unit": "degreeCelsius",
            "writable": true,
            "decimalPlaces": 1,
            "initialValue": 98,
            "maxValue": 100,
            "minValue": 86
            "@type": ["Property", "BooleanValue"],
            "displayName": {
                "en": "Device Warranty Expired"
            "name": "DeviceWarrantyExpired",
            "schema": "boolean",
            "writable": false
            "@type": ["Property", "Cloud", "NumberValue", "Temperature"],
            "displayName": {
                "en": "Coffee Maker Min Temperature"
            "name": "CoffeeMakerMinTemperature",
            "schema": "double",
            "unit": "degreeCelsius",
            "decimalPlaces": 1,
            "maxValue": 92,
            "minValue": 88
            "@type": ["Property", "Cloud", "NumberValue", "Temperature"],
            "displayName": {
                "en": "Coffee Maker Max Temperature"
            "name": "CoffeeMakerMaxTemperature",
            "schema": "double",
            "unit": "degreeCelsius",
            "decimalPlaces": 1,
            "maxValue": 99,
            "minValue": 96
            "@type": "Command",
            "commandType": "synchronous",
            "displayName": {
                "en": "Set Maintenance Mode"
            "name": "SetMaintenanceMode"
            "@type": "Command",
            "commandType": "synchronous",
            "displayName": {
                "en": "Start Brewing"
            "name": "StartBrewing"
    "displayName": {
        "en": "Connected Coffee Maker"
    "@context": [
  • The @id field is the Digital Twin Model Identifier (DTMI) for the model, in the format dtmi:<domain>:<unique-model-identifier>;<model-version-number>.
  • The @type identifies the kind of information being described. For example, "@type": "Interface" is used to indicate the type of the Digital Twin Definition Language (DTDL) entity. In this case, the entity is an Interface.
  • The contents field is an array of attribute definitions. Each attribute must provide a @type to identify the sort of interface information it describes. In this case, Telemetry, Property, and Command objects describe the features of the connected coffee maker.
  • The displayName field is an object that provides a human-readable name for the interface or entity in different languages. In this case, the interface displayName is Connected Coffee Maker in English.
  • The @context field is used to specify the DTDL context in which the interface or entity is defined. In this case, it references the iotcentral and dtdl contexts.
  • The name field is a unique identifier for the Telemetry, Property, or Command.
  • Each telemetry field represent measurements or events, and are often used to describe device sensor readings. For example, Water Temperature has a schema of double and a unit of degreeCelsius. The decimalPlaces, maxValue, and minValue fields specify more details about the telemetry data.
  • Each property field represents the state of an entity. For example, Device Warranty Expired is of type boolean and can have its state set by the connected device as true or false.
  • The writable field specifies whether the property can be set from the IoT Central application. In this case, Optimal Temperature can be set from the application UI, while Device Warranty Expired can't.
  • If a property has Cloud in the list of types, then it is a Cloud Property. In this case, Coffee Maker Min Temperature and Coffee Maker Max Temperature are cloud properties.
  • Each command field describes an action that the device can perform. For example, Start Brewing is a command that the cloud can send to the device to begin brewing coffee.
  • The commandType field specifies whether a command is synchronous (waits for a response), or asynchronous (doesn't wait for a response).

Check your knowledge


How many telemetry capabilities are defined in the Connected Coffee Maker model?


True or false: Optimal Temperature is a writable property.


True or false: the connected coffee machine can start brewing remotely by using the command StartBrewing.