Get started with OneNote Staff Notebook


This video describes the key aspects of Staff Notebooks, including:

  • How it promotes teamwork
  • How you can share information
  • The benefits of personalized workspaces for each staff member


Think about your school context and then identify 2-3 different ways Staff Notebook could support staff collaboration and workflow in your organization. Use the following questions to frame your potential use of Staff Notebooks:

  • Who should be invited? Is it a department team? A particular group of teachers? Administration/non-teaching staff?
  • How will this help make your workflow more efficient?
  • What types of resources could you include?

A graphic containing the following words: Application Alley Staff can collaborate on: Creating emergency procedures for the school. Designing cross-curricular lesson plans for a grade level. Designing curriculum initiatives across grade levels or departments. Establishing protocols for discipline issues.

Use this click-through guide to take a step-by step walkthrough of the fundamentals of Staff Notebooks.