Exercise - Design and implement a Type 1 slowly changing dimension with mapping data flows


In this exercise, you create a Data flow for a Type 1 SCD using Azure Synapse dedicated SQL pool as the source and destination. This data flow could then be added to a Synapse Pipeline and run as part of the extract, transform, load (ETL) process.

Setup source and dimension table

For this exercise you want to load a dimension table in Azure Synapse from source data that could be from many different system types, such as Azure SQL, Azure storage, etc. For this example you keep it simple by creating the source data in your Azure Synapse database.

  1. From Synapse Studio, navigate to the Data hub.

    Data hub.

  2. Select the Workspace tab (1), expand Databases, then right-click on SQLPool01 (2). Select New SQL script (3), then select Empty script (4).

    The data hub is displayed with the context menus to create a new SQL script.

  3. Paste the following script into the empty script window, then select Run or hit F5 to execute the query:

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[CustomerSource] (
        [CustomerID] [int] NOT NULL,
        [Title] [nvarchar](8),
        [FirstName] [nvarchar](50),
        [MiddleName] [nvarchar](50),
        [LastName] [nvarchar](50),
        [Suffix] [nvarchar](10),
        [CompanyName] [nvarchar](128),
        [SalesPerson] [nvarchar](256),
        [EmailAddress] [nvarchar](50),
        [Phone] [nvarchar](25)
    ) WITH ( HEAP )
    COPY INTO [dbo].[CustomerSource]
    FROM 'https://solliancepublicdata.blob.core.windows.net/dataengineering/dp-203/awdata/CustomerSource.csv'
    WITH (
        ENCODING = 'UTF16'
    CREATE TABLE dbo.[DimCustomer](
        [CustomerID] [int] NOT NULL,
        [Title] [nvarchar](8) NULL,
        [FirstName] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
        [MiddleName] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
        [LastName] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
        [Suffix] [nvarchar](10) NULL,
        [CompanyName] [nvarchar](128) NULL,
        [SalesPerson] [nvarchar](256) NULL,
        [EmailAddress] [nvarchar](50) NULL,
        [Phone] [nvarchar](25) NULL,
        [InsertedDate] [datetime] NOT NULL,
        [ModifiedDate] [datetime] NOT NULL,
        [HashKey] [char](64)

    The script and Run button are both highlighted.

Create a mapping data flow

Mapping Data flows are pipeline activities that provide a visual way of specifying how to transform data, through a code-free experience. Next you will create a mapping data flow to create a Type 1 SCD.

  1. Navigate to the Develop hub.

    Develop hub.

  2. Select +, then select Data flow.

    The plus button and data flow menu item are highlighted.

  3. In the properties pane of the new data flow, enter UpdateCustomerDimension in the Name field (1), then select the Properties button (2) to hide the properties pane.

    The data flow properties pane is displayed.

  4. Select Add Source on the canvas.

    The Add Source button is highlighted on the data flow canvas.

  5. Under Source settings, configure the following properties:

    • Output stream name: Enter SourceDB
    • Source type: Select Dataset
    • Options: Check Allow schema drift and leave the other options unchecked
    • Sampling: Select Disable
    • Dataset: Select + New to create a new dataset

    The New button is highlighted next to Dataset.

  6. In the new integration dataset dialog, select Azure Synapse Analytics, then select Continue.

    Azure SQL Database and the Continue button are highlighted.

  7. In the dataset properties, configure the following:

    • Name: Enter CustomerSource
    • Linked service: Select the Synapse workspace linked service
    • Table name: Select the Refresh button next to the dropdown

    The form is configured as described and the refresh button is highlighted.

  8. In the Value field, enter your SQL Pool name, then select OK.

    The SQLPool01 parameter is highlighted.

  9. Select dbo.CustomerSource under Table name, select From connection/store under Import schema, then select OK to create the dataset.

    The form is completed as described.

  10. Select Open next to the CustomerSource dataset that you added.

    The open button is highlighted next to the new dataset.

  11. Enter your SQL Pool name in the Value field next to DBName.

  12. In the data flow editor, select the Add Source box below the SourceDB activity. Configure this source as the DimCustomer table following the same steps used for CustomerSource.

    • Output stream name: Enter DimCustomer
    • Source type: Select Dataset
    • Options: Check Allow schema drift and leave the other options unchecked
    • Sampling: Select Disable
    • Dataset: Select + New to create a new dataset. Use the Azure Synapse linked service and choose DimCustomer table. Be sure to set the DBName to your SQL Pool name.

    The Add Source, Output stream name, and Dataset name are highlighted in the Source settings.

Add transformations to data flow

  1. Select + to the right of the SourceDB source on the canvas, then select Derived Column.

    The plus button and derived column menu item are highlighted.

  2. Under Derived column's settings, configure the following properties:

    • Output stream name: Enter CreateCustomerHash
    • Incoming stream: Select SourceDB
    • Columns: Enter the following:
    Column Expression Description
    Type in HashKey sha2(256, iifNull(Title,'') +FirstName +iifNull(MiddleName,'') +LastName +iifNull(Suffix,'') +iifNull(CompanyName,'') +iifNull(SalesPerson,'') +iifNull(EmailAddress,'') +iifNull(Phone,'')) Creates a SHA256 hash of the table values. We use this to detect row changes by comparing the hash of the incoming records to the hash value of the destination records, matching on the CustomerID value. The iifNull function replaces null values with empty strings. Otherwise, the hash values tend to duplicate when null entries are present.

    The Derived column's settings form is configured as described.

  3. Select + to the right of the CreateCustomerHash derived column on the canvas, then select Exists.

    The plus button and exists menu item are both highlighted.

  4. Under Exists settings, configure the following properties:

    • Output stream name: Enter Exists
    • Left stream: Select CreateCustomerHash
    • Right stream: Select SynapseDimCustomer
    • Exist type: Select Doesn't exist
    • Exists conditions: Set the following for Left and Right:
    Left: CreateCustomerHash's column Right: SynapseDimCustomer's column
    HashKey HashKey

    The Exists settings form is configured as described.

  5. Select + to the right of Exists on the canvas, then select Lookup.

    The plus button and lookup menu item are both highlighted.

  6. Under Lookup settings, configure the following properties:

    • Output stream name: Enter LookupCustomerID
    • Primary stream: Select Exists
    • Lookup stream: Select SynapseDimCustomer
    • Match multiple rows: Unchecked
    • Match on: Select Any row
    • Lookup conditions: Set the following for Left and Right:
    Left: Exists's column Right: SynapseDimCustomer's column
    CustomerID CustomerID

    The Lookup settings form is configured as described.

  7. Select + to the right of LookupCustomerID on the canvas, then select Derived Column.

    The plus button and derived column menu item are both highlighted.

  8. Under Derived column's settings, configure the following properties:

    • Output stream name: Enter SetDates
    • Incoming stream: Select LookupCustomerID
    • Columns: Enter the following:
    Column Expression Description
    Select InsertedDate iif(isNull(InsertedDate), currentTimestamp(), {InsertedDate}) If the InsertedDate value is null, insert the current timestamp. Otherwise, use the InsertedDate value.
    Select ModifiedDate currentTimestamp() Always update the ModifiedDate value with the current timestamp.

    Another Derived column's settings form is configured as described.


    To insert the second column, select + Add above the Columns list, then select Add column.

  9. Select + to the right of the SetDates derived column step on the canvas, then select Alter Row.

    The plus button and alter row menu item are both highlighted.

  10. Under Alter row settings, configure the following properties:

    • Output stream name: Enter AllowUpserts
    • Incoming stream: Select SetDates
    • Alter row conditions: Enter the following:
    Condition Expression Description
    Select Upsert if true() Set the condition to true() on the Upsert if condition to allow upserts. This ensures that all data that passes through the steps in the mapping data flow will be inserted or updated into the sink.

    The alter row settings form is configured as described.

  11. Select + to the right of the AllowUpserts alter row step on the canvas, then select Sink.

    The plus button and sink menu item are both highlighted.

  12. Under Sink, configure the following properties:

    • Output stream name: Enter Sink
    • Incoming stream: Select AllowUpserts
    • Sink type: Select Dataset
    • Dataset: Select DimCustomer
    • Options: Check Allow schema drift and uncheck Validate schema

    The sink properties form is configured as described.

  13. Select the Settings tab and configure the following properties:

    • Update method: Check Allow upsert and uncheck all other options
    • Key columns: Select List of columns, then select CustomerID in the list
    • Table action: Select None
    • Enable staging: Unchecked

    The sink settings are configured as described.

  14. Select the Mapping tab, then uncheck Auto mapping. Configure the input columns mapping as outlined below:

    Input columns Output columns
    SourceDB@CustomerID CustomerID
    SourceDB@Title Title
    SourceDB@FirstName FirstName
    SourceDB@MiddleName MiddleName
    SourceDB@LastName LastName
    SourceDB@Suffix Suffix
    SourceDB@CompanyName CompanyName
    SourceDB@SalesPerson SalesPerson
    SourceDB@EmailAddress EmailAddress
    SourceDB@Phone Phone
    InsertedDate InsertedDate
    ModifiedDate ModifiedDate
    CreateCustomerHash@HashKey HashKey

    Mapping settings are configured as described.

  15. The completed mapping flow should look like the following. Select Publish all to save your changes.

    The completed data flow is displayed and Publish all is highlighted.

  16. Select Publish.

    The publish button is highlighted.

How to test the data flow

You have completed a Type 1 SCD data flow. If you choose to test it out you could add this data flow to a Synapse integration pipeline. Then you could run the pipeline once to do the initial load of the customer source data to the DimCustomer destination.

Each additional run of the pipeline will compare the data in the source table to what is already in the dimension table (using the HashKey) and only update records that have changed. In order to test this, you could update a record in the source table then run the pipeline again and verify the record updates in the dimension table.

Take the customer Janet Gates as an example. The initial load shows the LastName is Gates and the CustomerId is 4.

The script is displayed with the initial customer record.

Here is an example statement that would update the customer last name in the source table.

UPDATE [dbo].[CustomerSource]
SET LastName = 'Lopez'
WHERE [CustomerId] = 4

After updating the record and running the pipeline again, DimCustomer would show this updated data.

The script is displayed with the updated customer record.

The customer record successfully updated the LastName value to match the source record and updated the ModifiedDate, without keeping track of the old LastName value. That is the expected behavior for a Type 1 SCD. If history was required for the LastName field then you would modify the table and data flow to be one of the other SCD types you have learned.