

In this module, you learned how to:

  • Create an IoT Hub and Device ID
  • Deploy Azure IoT Edge Enabled Linux VM
  • Set up IoT Edge Parent with Child IoT Devices
  • Configure IoT Edge Device as Gateway
  • Open IoT Edge Gateway Device Inbound Ports using Azure CLI
  • Configure IoT Edge Device Time-to-Live and Message Storage
  • Connect Child IoT Device to IoT Edge Gateway
  • Test Device Connectivity and Offline Support

Clean up

The IoT Edge lab, with a Trial subscription, will be deleted automatically when the trial comes to an end.

Next steps

Take your interest further with:

And look out for additional Learn modules covering IoT Edge Configuration.

To finish this module, and earn your rewards, complete a final knowledge check.

Check your knowledge


What does the use of Parent / Child relationships including an IoT Edge Gateway (the parent) and other IoT Devices (the child or leaf devices) enable?


Within the Azure Cloud Shell, what communication protocols were given commands to add Inbound rules to the NSG?


What is the Module Twin for the IoT Edge Hub is called?


What will the child devices need configured to connect to IoT Hub and the parent IoT Edge Device?