Introduction to using a secret message decoder


As a novice sleuth and solver of mysteries, you receive a special delivery envelope with a secret, encoded message inside. On the outside of the envelope is a handwritten note that reads, "A treasure is hidden at a location that I cannot reveal right now. Meet me at that location on a specific, special day, and I will reveal the treasure to you." Besides being a person who enjoys solving mysteries, you've always wanted to find treasure. You're eager to discover the secrets that are hidden in the message. You decide that you'll use Python to decode the secret message and find the location and date that can lead to the treasure!

Image of an encoded secret message.

You can crack the code of the secret message by using the Python programming language and find the hidden treasure in this beginner's lesson. For the best experience, make sure your local developer environment is ready with Visual Studio Code. Follow the steps in the Set up your Python beginner development environment with Visual Studio Code Learn module.

Screenshot of Python code in Visual Studio Code.

Learning objectives

In this module, you will:

  • Write your first lines of Python code
  • Create a function to decode a character by using a cipher
  • Create a function to decode a word by using a cipher
  • Discover the secret location to reveal the hidden treasure in this module


This module is part of a multimodal learning experience. Follow along with a video walkthrough of a similar program in a new tab.



No coding experience is required to complete these lessons!