Exercise - Decode one letter with a Caesar cipher by wrapping around the English alphabet


How to figure out the true letter code that matches the decoded letter involves cycling around the alphabet. If your letter_code + shift_amount value is equal to or greater than 123, you need to return to 97 to continue counting.

How do you get 123? It's just 97 (the letter code for the 'a' character) plus 26 (the number of letters in the alphabet). If you look at the ASCII number for 'z', you'll see that it's 122.

You could write conditional statements to check this value, but there's an easier way.

Mod operator

To wrap around the alphabet the easy way, you need a special operator called mod, which is the percent sign (%).

The mod operator divides two numbers and returns the remainder. If you run the following code in Python to set three variables by using mod:

three_two = 3 % 2
eleven_four = 11 % 4 
five_ten = 5 % 10


The result is:

Variable Formula Value           
three_two 3/2 = 1 remainder 1 1
eleven_four 11/4 = 2 remainder 3 3
five_ten 5/10 = 0 remainder 5 5

Calculate a decoded character: The right way

With the mod operator in mind, you need two new variables:

  • a_ascii: Holds the ASCII code value for the letter 'a'. We get this value by calling the ord('a') function and passing in the letter.
  • alphabet_size: Holds the number of letters in the alphabet, 26.

Here's the formula to figure out the true_letter_code value:

a_ascii + (((letter_code - a_ascii) + shift_amount) % alphabet_size)

You can review this formula with a couple of examples.

Example 1: Letter 'a' and shift by 2

Start with these two values:

  • letter = 'a'
  • shift_amount = 2
Variable Formula Value      
letter 'a'
shift_amount 2
letter_code ord('a') 97
a_ascii ord('a') 97
alphabet_size 26
true_letter_code 97 + (((97 - 97) + 2) % 26) 2
Note: See the detailed explanation for this calculation after the table.
decoded_letter chr(99) c

You can review the formula for true_letter_code just as you would any other math formula. Follow PEMDAS, where you evaluate a mathematical expression in the order of parenthesis, exponents, multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction.

a_ascii + (((letter_code - a_ascii) + shift_amount) % alphabet_size)

97 + (((97 - 97) + 2) % 26)
97 + ((0 + 2) % 26)
97 + (2 % 26)
97 + 2

Example 2: Letter 'N' and shift by 13

Start with these two values:

  • letter = 'N'
  • shift_amount = 13
Variable Formula Value      
letter 'N'
shift_amount 13
letter_code ord('n') 110
a_ascii ord('a') 97
alphabet_size 26
true_letter_code 97 + (((110 - 97) + 13) % 26) 97
Note: See the detailed explanation for this calculation after the table.
decoded_letter chr(97) a

You can review the formula for true_letter_code just as you would any other math formula (remember PEMDAS):

a_ascii + (((letter_code - a_ascii) + shift_amount) % alphabet_size)

97 + (((110 - 97) + 13) % 26)
97 + ((13 + 13) % 26)
97 + (26 % 26)
97 + 0

Final code

Now that you have your decoder formula, you can put it all together in your function.


Be sure to add useful comments to your code so you can remember what's happening!

# Define a function to find the truth by shifting the letter by the specified amount
def lasso_letter( letter, shift_amount ):
    # Invoke the ord function to translate the letter to its ASCII code 
    # Save the code to the letter_code variable
    letter_code = ord(letter.lower())
    # The ASCII number representation of lowercase letter 'a'
    a_ascii = ord('a')

    # The number of letters in the alphabet
    alphabet_size = 26

    # The formula to calculate the ASCII number for the decoded letter
    # Take into account looping around the alphabet
    true_letter_code = a_ascii + (((letter_code - a_ascii) + shift_amount) % alphabet_size)

    # Convert the ASCII number to the character or letter
    decoded_letter = chr(true_letter_code)

    # Send the decoded letter back
    return decoded_letter

Now that you have the lasso_letter() function, you can call the function on each letter in the secret message.

You'll use this function in the next unit, but you can try it out now by calling the lasso_letter() function within a print() function, like this:

print(lasso_letter('a', 2))

What output do you see in the terminal?