Use special prices in purchase orders


Purchase prices are special prices for an item based on the combination of item number, vendor, and (optionally) one or more of the following criteria:

  • Item variant

  • Unit of measure

  • Minimum quantity purchased

  • Order date

  • Currency paid

Special prices can be set up to support purchasing agents with their goal of always buying at the best price. The best price is the lowest price with the highest line discount that is available on the order date.

When a purchasing agent creates a purchase order, Business Central will perform the following tasks:

  • Check whether special purchase prices are set up for the vendor and the item.

  • Determine which special prices apply based on whether their conditions are met by the purchase header and line details.

  • Select the best price from among the applicable special prices.

If a special purchase price is selected, Business Central copies the purchase price to the purchase line. If no special purchase prices are recorded, or the conditions for applying at least one special price are not met, then the Last Direct Cost from the item card is copied to the purchase line instead.

To make sure that opportunities for a better price aren't missed, Business Central informs purchasing agents of existing special prices, even if the conditions to apply them can't be satisfied. Purchasing agents can explore these special prices and preview how the purchase order and/or line must be changed to qualify for the best possible price.

The following procedure shows how to set up a purchase price for a minimum quantity of ten pieces of item 1908-S from vendor 30000:

  1. Select the search for page icon in the top-right corner of the page, enter items, and then choose the related link.

  2. Open the item card for item 1908-S.

  3. Select **Prices & Discounts > Purchase Prices.

  4. In the Vendor No. field, enter 30000.

  5. In the Minimum Quantity field, enter 10.

  6. In the Direct Unit Cost field, enter 120.

  7. Use the Starting Date and Ending date fields if the prices are only valid for a specific period.

  8. Close the Purchase Prices page.