Lab - Convert three TypeScript functions to a class definition


In this lab, you'll apply what you've learned about classes to convert a TypeScript function to a class.

Exercise 1: Convert three TypeScript functions to a class definition

The following TypeScript code contains three functions:

  • buildArray builds an array of unique random numbers. It accepts an items parameter that determines the number of items in the array and a sortOrder parameter that determines whether the array is sorted in ascending or descending order.
  • sortDecending and sortAscending are comparison functions that tell the sort() method how to sort numbers in ascending or descending order.

Convert the functions to a TypeScript class.

  1. Clone the starting repository by entering the following at the command prompt.

    git clone
    cd mslearn-typescript/code/module-05/m05-start
    code .
  2. Open the file module05.ts. This file contains an empty class named BuildArray and the buildArray, sortDecending, and sortAscending functions.

  3. Locate TODO Define the properties.

  4. Define the properties in the class: _items and _sortOrder.

    // TODO Define the properties
    private _items: number;
    private _sortOrder: 'ascending' | 'descending';
  5. Locate TODO Define the constructor.

  6. Define the constructor for the properties.

    // TODO Define the constructor
    constructor (items: number, sortOrder: 'ascending' | 'descending') {
        this._items = items;
        this._sortOrder = sortOrder;
  7. Locate TODO Define the accessors.

  8. Define the accessors that get and set the value of the items and sortOrder parameters.

    // TODO Define the accessors
    get items() {
        return this._items;
    set items(items) {
        this._items = items;
    get sortOrder() {
        return this._sortOrder;
    set sortOrder(sortOrder) {
        this._sortOrder = sortOrder;
  9. Locate TODO Define the methods.

  10. Move the sortAscending and sortDescending functions into the class and make them both private methods of the class.

    // TODO Define the methods.
    private sortDescending = (a: number, b: number) => {
        if (a > b) {
            return -1;
        } else if (b > a) {
            return 1;
        } else {
            return 0;}
    private sortAscending = (a: number, b: number) => {
        if (a > b) {
            return 1;
        } else if (b > a) {
            return -1;
        } else {
            return 0; }
  11. Move the buildArray function into the class and make it a public method of the class.

    buildArray(): number[] {
        let randomNumbers: number[] = [];
        let nextNumber: number;
        for (let counter = 0; counter < this.items; counter++) {
            nextNumber = Math.ceil(Math.random() * (100 - 1));
            if (randomNumbers.indexOf(nextNumber) === -1) {
            } else {
        if (this._sortOrder === 'ascending') {
            return randomNumbers.sort(this.sortAscending);
        } else {
            return randomNumbers.sort(this.sortDescending);
  12. Locate TODO: Instantiate the BuildArray objects.

  13. Update the testArray1 and testArray2 variable declarations to instantiate new BuildArray objects.

    let testArray1 = new BuildArray(12, 'ascending');
    let testArray2 = new BuildArray(8, 'descending');
  14. Test your work by calling the buildArray method on the objects and return the results to the console.


Challenge yourself!

For an added challenge, take some existing JavaScript that you may have written or that you find on the web and rewrite it in TypeScript using what you've learned about classes. You can copy and paste the JavaScript into the Playground and edit it or use another editor like Visual Studio Code.

Lab solution

View the final version of the code by entering the following at the command prompt.

cd ../m05-end
code .

Open the file module05.ts to see the solution to this lab. See the Lab setup section above for more information about setting up your development environment to run the solution.