Exercise - Extend a class


In this exercise, you'll extend the Car class to create a new class called ElectricCar and override a method.

  1. Continue working in the Playground.

  2. Below the Car class, create a new class called ElectricCar that extends Car.

    class ElectricCar extends Car {
        // Properties unique to ElectricCar
        // Constructor
        // Accessors
        // Methods
  3. Declare the property that is unique to the ElectricCar class, _range, as a private property of type number.

    // Properties
    private _range: number;
  4. The constructor for the subclass is different from the constructor for the base class in a few ways.

    • The parameter list can include any of the properties of both the base class and the subclass. (As with all parameter lists in TypeScript, remember that required parameters must appear before optional parameters.)
    • In the body of the constructor, you must add the super() keyword to include the parameters from the base class. The super keyword executes the constructor of the base class when it runs.
    • The super keyword must appear before any references to this. when referring to properties in the subclass.
  5. Define the class constructor for ElectricCar, including the _make, _color, and _doors properties of the base class and the _range property of the subclass. In this constructor, set the default value of the doors parameter to 2.

    // Constructor
    constructor(make: string, color: string, range: number, doors = 2) {
        super(make, color, doors);
        this._range = range;
  6. Define the get and set accessors for the range parameter.

    // Accessors
    get range() {
        return this._range;
    set range(range) {
        this._range = range;
  7. Enter the following charge method that returns a message to the console. This method includes a call to the worker function that you defined in the Car class. But it raises the error Property 'worker' is private and only accessible within class 'Car'. Do you know how to correct this problem?

    // Methods
    charge() {
        console.log(this.worker() + " is charging.")
  8. In the Car class, change the access modifier of the worker function from private to protected. This allows subclasses of the Car class to use the function, while keeping it hidden from the members available to objects instantiated from the class. The error in the charge method should now resolve.

  9. Test the new ElectricCar class to verify that it's working as expected.

    let spark = new ElectricCar('Spark Motors','silver', 124, 2);
    let eCar = new ElectricCar('Electric Car Co.', 'black', 263);
    console.log(eCar.doors);         // returns the default, 2
    spark.charge();                  // returns "Spark Motors is charging"
  10. Define a new brake method in the ElectricCar class that has different implementation details. Note that the parameter signature and return type for the brake method must be the same as the brake method in the Car class.

    // Overrides the brake method of the Car class
    brake(): string {
        return `${this.worker()}  is braking with the regenerative braking system.`
  11. Test the new method and verify that it works as expected.

    console.log(spark.brake());  // returns "Spark Motors is braking with the regenerative braking system"