Exercise - Fun with parameters


In this exercise, you'll create functions that have required, optional, and default parameters.

Required parameters

  1. Open the Playground and remove any existing code.

  2. Enter the following arrow function, which accepts three required parameters.

    let addThreeNumbers = (x: number, y: number, z: number): number => x + y + z;
  3. Try calling the function by entering addThreeNumbers(10, 20). TypeScript raises the error Expected 3 arguments but got 2. An argument for 'z' was not provided. When it runs, the function returns NaN because the third argument was passed as undefined, making the calculation invalid.

  4. What happens when you enter addThreeNumbers(10, 20, 30, 40)? TypeScript raises the error Expected 3 arguments but got 4. When it runs, the fourth argument drops off and the function returns 60.

Optional parameters

  1. In the function, try making the y parameter optional. What happens?

    let addThreeNumbers = (x: number, y?: number, z: number): number => x + y + z;
  2. TypeScript raises an error because the position of the optional parameters matter. In the parameter list, optional parameters must follow all required parameters. Instead of the y parameter, try making the z parameter optional. Also, for this function to return the correct value, you must also update it to address the possibility that z may now be passed as undefined. You should now be able to call the function using addThreeNumbers(10, 20) or addThreeNumbers(10, 20, 30).

    let addThreeNumbers = (x: number, y: number, z?: number): number => {
        if((z === undefined)) {
            return x + y;
        } else {
            return x + y + z;

Default parameters

  1. Enter the following arrow function, which accepts three required parameters.

    let subtractThreeNumbers = (x: number, y: number, z: number): number => x - y - z;
  2. Assign a default value of 100 to the z parameter by replacing z: number with z = 100.

    let subtractThreeNumbers = (x: number, y: number, z = 100): number => x - y - z;
  3. Try calling the function with two and three arguments to test the result.

    subtractThreeNumbers(10, 20);       // returns -110 because 'z' has been assigned the value 100
    subtractThreeNumbers(10, 20, 15);   // returns -25