Add logic to C# console applications (Get started with C#, Part 3)

At a glance

Examine the relationship between code blocks and variable scope, and deepen your C# coding experience with Boolean expressions, selection statements, and iteration statements.

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Add logic to C# console applications (Get started with C#, Part 3)


  • Assign and retrieve values by using variables, including array variables, in C#.
  • Manipulate variable data to modify its type and appearance in C#.
  • Execute built-in functionality available from code libraries in your C# applications.
  • Develop if-elseif-else and foreach statements in your C# applications.
  • Develop, build, and run C# code using Visual Studio Code.
  • Perform System.Console I/O operations.

Modules in this learning path

Use code blocks with more confidence, understanding how they impact the visibility and accessibility of both higher and lower-level constructs in your code.

Learn how to add branching logic that matches one variable or expression against many possible values.

Demonstrate your ability to develop a console app that implements selection and iteration statements to achieve app specifications.