How to add the Inventory Account or Purchases Account to the POP Purchase Order form in Microsoft Dynamics GP

This article describes how to add the account number to the POP Purchase Order Blank Form in Microsoft Dynamics GP. You can use the same process for Purchase Order Other form. Follow the following steps.

Applies to:   Microsoft Dynamics GP
Original KB number:   3197751

Step 1: Back up the report (Reports.dic)

  1. To locate the Reports.dic file, follow these steps:
    • Point to Tools on the Microsoft Dynamics GP menu, point to Setup, point to System, and then click Edit Launch File.
    • If you are prompted, type the system password.
  2. Click Microsoft Dynamics GP in the Edit Launch File window.
  3. Note the path that appears in the Reports box.
  4. Click OK to close the Edit Launch File window.

Step 2: Modify the Purchase Order Blank form

  1. Open Report Writer: Click Microsoft Dynamics GP, click Tools, click Customize, and then click Report Writer. Note if a Microsoft Dynamics GP window pops up you have multiple dictionaries loaded. Select Microsoft Dynamics GP for the Product and select OK.
  1. On the Menu, click Tables, and then click Tables.
  2. In the Tables window, click popPOLineRollupTemp, and then click Open.
  3. In the Table Definition window, click Relationships, and then click New.
  4. Click the lookup button (the ellipsis button) on the right side of the Secondary Table field, click Purchase Order Line in the Relationship Table Lookup window, and then click OK.
  5. In the Secondary Table Key list, click POP_POLineIdxID.
  6. Click the values in the Primary Table column that match the values in the Secondary Table column.
  7. Click OK, and then close the Table Relationship window.
  8. Click OK in the Table Definition window, and then close the Tables window.
  1. Click Reports, click POP Purchase Order Blank Form in the Original Reports list, and then click Insert.
  2. In the Modified Reports list, click POP Purchase Order Blank Form, and then click Open.
  3. In the Report Definition window, click Tables.
  4. In the Report Table Relationships window, click Purchase Order Line Rollup Temp*, and then click New.
  5. Click Purchase Order Line, and then click OK.
  6. In the Report Table Relationships window, click Close.

Step 5: Create a calculated field to add the account number

  1. In the Report Definition window, click Layout.

  2. In the toolbox resource list, click Calculated Fields from the drop down under the Layout tab, and then click New.

  3. In the Name field, type Account Number.

  4. In the Result Type list, click String, and then verify or click Calculated in the Expression Type list.

  5. Click the Functions tab, and then click User-Defined.

  6. In the Core list, click System.

  7. In the Function list, click RW_GetAccountNumber, and then click Add.

  8. Click the Fields tab, click Purchase Order Line in the Resources list, and then click Inventory Index in the Field list.

  9. Click Add.


    The Calculated Expression should read as follows:
    Function_Script(RW_GetAccountNumberPOP_POLine.Inventory Index)

  10. Click OK.

Step 6: Add the Account Number calculated field to the report

  1. In the toolbox resource list, click Calculated Fields from the drop down under the Layout tab.

  2. Drag the Account Number field into the H3 section of the report.


    If the calculated field is larger than the current fields on the report, use the Drawing options to format the field. Click the Calculated field (putting dots around it), Click Tools, and then click Drawing options. Change the options to match other fields on the report and click OK.

Step 7: Save the changes to the report

  1. Close the report layout, and then click Save after you receive the following message:

    Do you want to save the changes to this report layout?

  2. In the Report Definition window, click OK.

  3. On the File menu, click Microsoft Dynamics GP.

Step 8: Grant access to the report

After you save the report, you will have to assign security permissions to the modified report in order to use the report in Microsoft Dynamics GP. To assign security permissions to the modified report, use the following steps.

  1. On the Microsoft Dynamics GP menu, point to Tools, point to Setup, point to System, and then click Alternate/Modified Forms and Reports.
  2. In the ID box, type the user ID that will print this modified report.
  3. In the Product list, click Microsoft Dynamics GP.
  4. In the Type list, click Reports.
  5. Expand the Purchasing folder and then expand the folder that contains the report that you modified. Click + to select POP Purchase Order Blank form and then click the Microsoft Dynamics GP (Modified) report.
  6. Click Save.
  7. On the Microsoft Dynamics GP menu, point to Tools, point to Setup, point to System, and then click User Security.
  8. In the User list, click a user ID that will print this modified report.
  9. In the Company list, click a company.
  10. In the Alternate/Modified Forms and Reports ID list, click the ID that you used in step 2.


If you are using the Purchase Order Other form, the steps are the same. Just pull up the POP Purchase Order Other Form in Report Writer to add the calculated field to.

More information

The information above is published in this blog:

How to add the Inventory account or Purchases account to the "POP Purchase Order" Forms in Microsoft Dynamics GP