How to restart the upgrade of a company database in Microsoft Dynamics GP
This article describes how to restart the upgrade of a company database to Microsoft Dynamics GP if the company database was restored from a backup.
Applies to: Microsoft Dynamics GP Original KB number: 920900
Update from Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0, Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0, or Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 to Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0, Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 or Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013
To restart the upgrade of a company database from Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0 to Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0, follow these steps:
Restore a backup of the company database that was made before the upgrade was done.
Restore a backup of the DYNAMICS database that was made before the upgrade was done. Restore the backup to a database that is named OLDDYNAMICS.
If you use SQL Server Enterprise Manager, follow these steps:
Select Start.
Select Programs.
Point to Microsoft SQL Server, and then select Enterprise Manager.
Expand Microsoft SQL Servers, expand SQL Server Group, and then expand the instance of SQL Server.
Right-click Database, and then select New Database,
In the Database Name field, enter OLDDYNAMICS, and then select OK.
In Enterprise Manager, right-click the OLDDYNAMICS database, select All Tasks, and then select Restore Database.
On the General tab, verify that the OLDDYNAMICS database is selected in the Restore as database field.
In the Restore section, select the From device check box.
In the Parameters section, select Select Devices.
In the Choose Restore Devices window, select Add.
In the Choose Restore Destination window, select the ellipsis button (...) next to the File name field.
In the Backup Device Location window, expand the folders, and then locate the backup of the Dynamics database.
Select OK repeatedly until you return to the Restore Database window.
Select the Options tab.
Select the Force restore over existing database check box.
Verify that a valid path appears in the Move to physical file name field, and then verify that the .mdf and .ldf file names are for the test company database that you created in step 1.
The logical file name reflects the name of the live database. Do not change the logical file name.
Select OK to start restoring the backup Dynamics database into the OLDDYNAMICS database.
When the restoration is completed successfully, select OK.
If you use SQL Server Management Studio 2005 or SQL Management Studio 2008, follow these steps:
Select Start, and then select Programs.
Point to Microsoft SQL Server 2005 or Microsoft SQL Server 2008, and then select SQL Server Management Studio.
The Connect to Server window opens.
In the Server name box, type the name of the instance of SQL Server.
In the Authentication list, select SQL Authentication.
In the User name box, type sa.
In the Password box, type the password for the sa user, and then select Connect.
In the Object Explorer section, right-click Databases, and then select New Database.
In the Database Name field, enter OLDDYNAMICS, and then select OK.
Right-click the test company database, point to Tasks, point to Restore, and then select Database.
In the Source for Restore area, select From Device, and then select the ellipsis button (...).
In the Backup Location area, select Add.
Locate the backup of the Dynamics database, and then select OK.
Run the following script in Microsoft SQL Query Analyzer, in SQL Server Management Studio, or in the Support Administrator Console.
declare @CompanyDb varchar(5)
set @CompanyDb = '<Company_Database_Name>'/*Converting DU000020 back to Pre-Update Values*/delete a from DYNAMICS..DU000020 a
innerjoin DYNAMICS..SY01500 b on a.companyID = b.CMPANYID
where b.INTERID = @CompanyDb
insertinto DYNAMICS..DU000020 (companyID, PRODID, versionMajor, versionMinor, versionBuild)
select companyID, PRODID, versionMajor, versionMinor, versionBuild from OLDDYNAMICS..DU000020 where companyID in
(select CMPANYID from DYNAMICS..SY01500 where INTERID = @CompanyDb)
/*Converting DU000030 back to Pre-Update Values*/delete a from DYNAMICS..DU000030 a
innerjoin DYNAMICS..SY01500 b on a.companyID = b.CMPANYID
leftouterjoin OLDDYNAMICS..DU000030 c on a.fileNumber = c.fileNumber and a.companyID = c.companyID
where b.INTERID = @CompanyDb and c.fileNumber isnulland c.companyID isnull/*Converting DB_Upgrade back to Pre-Update Values*/delete DYNAMICS..DB_Upgrade where [db_name] = @CompanyDb
insertinto DYNAMICS..DB_Upgrade ([db_name], PRODID, db_verMajor, db_verMinor, db_verBuild, db_verOldMajor, db_verOldMinor, db_verOldBuild, db_status, start_time, stop_time)
select [db_name], PRODID, db_verMajor, db_verMinor, db_verBuild, db_verOldMajor, db_verOldMinor, db_verOldBuild, db_status, start_time, stop_time
from OLDDYNAMICS..DB_Upgrade where [db_name] = @CompanyDb
delete DYNAMICS..dulck
In this script, replace the <Company_Database_Name> placeholder with the name of the company database. For example, if a company that is named Adventureworks has a database that is named TWO, type TWO.
Rename the current Dexsql.log file, and then start Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities to complete the restart of the upgrade.
If the update is still unsuccessful, contact Technical Support for Microsoft Dynamics at 888-477-7877.
If you contact Technical Support for Microsoft Dynamics, or if you visit the Technical Support for Microsoft Dynamics Web site, provide the Dexsql.log file for the update. Additionally, provide the results from the following script.
SELECT b.fileOSName, a.fileNumber, a.PRODID, a.Status, a.errornum, a.errordes, c.CMPANYID, c.INTERID
FROM DYNAMICS.dbo.DU000030 a
DYNAMICS.dbo.DU000010 b
ON a.fileNumber = b.fileNumber
DYNAMICS.dbo.SY01500 c
ON a.companyID = c.CMPANYID
WHERE (a.Status <> 0or a.errornum <> 0) and a.Status <>15
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