"You don't have permission for this" error when opening Microsoft 365 Copilot for Sales

This article helps you resolve the "You don't have permission for this" error in Copilot for Sales when a user tries to open the app.

Who is affected?

Requirement type Description
Client app Copilot for Sales Outlook add-in
Platform Web and desktop clients
OS Windows and Mac
Deployment User managed and admin managed
CRM Salesforce
Users The first user who opens the app in the tenant.


When a user tries to open Copilot for Sales, the following error is displayed:

You don't have permission for this

Screenshot that shows the You don't have permission for this error.


This error occurs when the first user in a tenant tries to open Microsoft Copilot for Sales, and the tenant doesn't have any administrators assigned to create the environment.


To resolve this issue, assign at least one administrator to the tenant with your administrator credentials.

  1. Open one of the following URLs as per your tenant type:

  2. In the left pane, select Admin centers > Microsoft Entra ID.

  3. In the left pane, select Roles & admins > Roles & admins.

  4. Find the Global Administrator and Power Platform Administrator roles, and then assign the right users to the roles.

More information

If your issue is still unresolved, go to the Copilot for Sales - Microsoft Community Hub to engage with our experts.